Apple has without question been the de facto consumer-technology juggernaut of the new millennium.
The first decade of the new millennium has been a huge disappointment to many Americans.
Many on Main Street lost a bundle on the Fed-induced bubbles of the new millennium.
It will have an even more unwieldy name: the Democratic New Party for the New Millennium.
At the start of the new millennium this region of 793, 000 finally began to loosen up.
In the new millennium, the most common form of malware attack has become known as drive-by downloads.
But what kind of a way is that to get news 15 months before the new Millennium?
The archbishop congratulated Jennie Page, chief executive of Dome organisers the New Millennium Experience Company, and her team.
On the eve of the new millennium, Asia - and the world -will be holding its collective breath.
Getting the record as Britain's first women will be a really amazing way of starting the new millennium.
It was a source of the tension between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown well into the new millennium.
The New Millennium card, issued by New Millennium Bank of New Brunswick, N.
But the six people Time has chosen as culinary innovators for the new millennium are just not hearing it.
So what happened to all that boring stuff you could have purchased at the dawn of the new millennium?
Planning for the advent of the new millennium on the state, county and local must depend on individual communities.
And for the first years of the new millennium the NSPCC has set itself the most ambitious target yet.
But Harris' 22 and a cameo from Nash steered New Zealand to an exciting win at the beginning of the new millennium.
So by the end of the first decade in the new millennium, Air Force fortunes were at a low ebb.
If the trend holds, alternative health care in the new millennium may become just that - a truly viable alternative.
Several neighborhood groups like the Million Dollar Baby Dolls and the Ernie K-Doe Baby Dolls were active in the new millennium.
This means keeping American companies competitive by opening markets abroad and preparing our workers for the challenges of a new millennium.
In the first decade of the new millennium, the trends reversed again.
With the new millennium just days away, one would think that cards with a similar forward-looking and contemporary feel would be dominating sales.
You may also want to step through each medium in turn, treating them as a boot camp for mobilizing in the new Millennium.
In 2001, long after the bubble had burst, it was projecting tax revenues to remain at record levels well into the new millennium.
As the new millennium began engineers figured out how to make sensors wireless, greatly cutting the costs of each in industrial environments.
Business schools feel the draw of this new influence, and we are growing our faculties to reflect the needs of the new millennium.
More to the point, dollar weakness has historically been a worldwide inflationary event, the first decade of the new millennium being no exception.
On the day of the election itself, you can discover who will win the race in the first Westminster by-election of the new millennium.
" Kim Kardashian is emblematic of the shallowness of American culture in the first two decades of the new millennium, " read her official biography.