The New New Thing had just cracked the New York Times bestseller list.
Another is how fast will people ditch their smartphone to run out and buy the latest new new thing?
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He repeated the trick with The New New Thing about Jim Clark and in the Internet business in the 1990s.
And although the rollout of those products has barely even started, Apple investors have to be thinking what comes next: the new, new thing.
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Why rush out and buy the new, new thing if it looks just like that old phone that's been around for more than a year?
The movie "has prevented more white-collar crime and inspired more business losses than any American movie, " says Michael Lewis, author of Liar's Poker and The New New Thing.
"Art is like tech--you are always trying to hash through what is the new, new thing and what is a rehash of the last new, new thing, " says Singer.
Because copying accelerates the fashion cycle, banishing old designs to the dustbin of history (perhaps to be dusted off and reintroduced later) and sending the fashion-conscious off in search of the new, new thing.
Right when the death knell was sounding on the dot-com craze, wireless technology has emerged as "the new new thing, " with new players popping up left and right and a host of IPOs on the horizon.
But this was Bissell's vision of the "new new thing"--get sufficient volumes of rock oil by drilling for it refine it into a high quality illuminating oil, and then take market share away from existing illuminants and, at the same time, build wholly new markets.
But people get bombarded with tons of different inputs, new data, new goals, new strategies and the available brain capacity folks have to absorb one more new thing, gets ever smaller.
What they do get is this new kind of thing that they need to manage (pieces of software) across another new kind of thing (hundreds or thousands of devices).
This is a brand new thing, and I think it is going to be the next big thing.
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It is sunny nearly all the time, avocado is a major ingredient on nearly every menu and unlike New York, where you may see a celebrity in passing (and ignore them, since that is the New York thing to do), in LA, it is hard to go a night without rubbing elbows with someone in the "biz".
We can't imagine many people will be duped by the new, new iphone, but one thing we know for sure is that Apple ain't scared'a no trademark battle.
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One new thing here: Delta is confirmed as a partner for this digital ticket service.
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And I think the audience that pays for movies is completely ready for a new thing.
We are not in a period of change that's going to settle into one new thing.
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They had decent equipment and they even had a keyboard which was a new thing then.
"This is a new thing for me, " he says, as he squints at his mobile.
Thousands, perhaps millions of investors are taken in each year trying to find the next new thing.
When I was growing up, we failed to see how a new thing called radio would transform our marketplace.
The New Thing is the best Silicon Valley book to come out yet.
This is the land where tomorrow reigns, as local consumers are all too willing to flaunt the next new thing.
In the 1970s and early 1980s, for instance, firms stocked up on the new thing at the time, mainframe computers.
Now that social media has been around for a while, just what is the next new thing on the tech horizon?
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He somehow manages to contain his excitement over this development long enough to explain the captivating new thing at Chemtura (bromine brines).
Instead of the constant chase for the shiny new thing, maybe the better bet is more diligent focus on mastering incumbent media.
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Everything else gets put on hold to work on this new thing.
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