The offer to join the Harlem Y, which is 10 blocks north of Clinton's new office building, came in March.
Michael "Interdictor" Barnett is "crisis manager" for DirectNIC, a Web-hosting and co-location center occupying the tenth floor of a downtown New Orleans office building.
In the framework of efforts to reduce Co2 gas emissions, the Executive Heads participated in the inauguration of the new energy efficient office building for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN-Habitat in Nairobi.
He has also crowed about the Foundation's new office in a building at the historic Presidio, a military facility recently disestablished as part of the recent round of defense budget cuts and attendant base closures.
Approval was also given for a new four-storey office building on the Farmeloan Road site, which used to be home to the Monogram factory.
Elwood (Woody) Norris hangs out of a third-floor window of an office building in New York.
Near to it a new building with an office for the president was constructed.
Even in Dubai, where the sky is still alarmingly full of cranes and half-finished towers, one Western bank is contemplating building a new office for itself because existing buildings are not up to scratch.
Sure, of course, Apple building a new head office will indeed boost the US commercial property market.
These days, Unigo shares space in a Park Avenue office building with toney New York lawyers and marketing firms.
Except in Portland and Minneapolis, each local government is free to make its own decisions about whether to permit the building of a new office block or shopping mall, regardless of any cost the decision imposes on neighbours.
Other resource-efficient projects like New York's 4 Times Square office building, Atlanta's EarthCraft House and Village Habitat Design's cohousing conservation communities include such innovations as energy-efficient insulation, water and air filtration, or hydronic heating, aiming for healthy, nontoxic construction processes and buildings for humans and the environment.
Dan Nichols gave no indication if the spores found in the Hart Senate Office Building had come from a new source.
The QCDA office is a brand new purpose-built building - you can even tell by the smell in the very smart new reception.
The Sleep Disorders Center, in Albany, New York, is housed in a nondescript office building in a nondescript office park not far from Route 90.
The first phase of the development will involve building the infrastructure, an office building in the square and 40 new houses along the Avenue.
Not only will they be thankful to have a cool boss, you will get some free publicity every time they tag themselves at your office, bragging about the cool new product they are building for you.
FORBES: How One Startup Grew a $100M Business Without Spending Venture Capital
Staff from Zurich's existing Cardiff office at Fitzalan Court will be moved to the new building.
Now, that corporation is building a new 3, 000-room resort, office and retail complex called City Center and piloting a number of innovative "green" features, including state-of-the-art low-level flush toilets.
Near a hospital for eye diseases, is an office building for the Ministry of Higher Education, a new modern building surrounded by concrete blast walls and checkpoints, it was thought to be guarded enough.
The New York office was opened when the firm won the competition for a building for two of the cultural institutions originally designated for inclusion on the World Trade Center site, the Freedom Museum and the Drawing Center.
WSJ: Sn?hetta: architecture �� landscape �� interior, at Scandinavia House
At the end of this year, Simmons is taking what he sees as the next giant step in his transformation: The Queens native is trading his New York City apartment for a palace in Beverly Hills and building office space just minutes away.
An office building was to become a media centre with 1, 000 new phone lines and its own fast-food franchises.
But the financing market for leveraged buyouts is getting squirmy, the music business itself is harder than ever to value, and with new tenanting prospects in double-dip-recession limbo as an ebullient recovery in office-building investment slows, the tower may become part of the collateral damage caused by the shuddering fall of EMI.
And in another New York project, a developer is constructing a speculative 400, 000-square-foot office building south of Union Square at 51 Astor Place.
Long Term Leases : Purchasing land and constructing a factory and office building can take up a large part of the capital expenditure budget for a new project in China.
The building is owned by Ceredigion council but it became redundant when the authority opened a new office a year ago.
The campaign will provide unique, in-game value to players by offering them the opportunity to build a CENTURY 21 Office building and earn virtual currency (Simoleons), helping them grow their cities by buying new homes, businesses and land, while interacting with our brand in a seamless and relevant way.