This could mean more law-making powers are devolved from Westminster to Cardiff, he has suggested, or the creation of a new upper House of Parliament, modelled on the US Senate with equal representation for Wales, Northern Ireland and England.
In the upper house of the New South Wales parliament, for instance, he claims to hold what he calls "the balance of prayer".
Two days later, after cursory debate, the lower house of parliament passed a new law allowing Japan's ailing life insurers to cut the rates of return they guaranteed to policyholders, and thus to break unprofitable contracts.
The reason the Scottish Secretary is planning to unveil his approach this week is because the Scotland Bill - which gives the Scottish Parliament some new powers - returns to the House of Lords in a couple of weeks.
Egypt's upper house of parliament is receiving 90 new members Sunday morning, according to state-run Nile TV.
And in New Delhi, India, a Hindu ritual was performed near the Parliament House in memory of those who died in the attacks.
Far worse will come if Mr Yeltsin dies before he has persuaded the lower house of parliament, the Duma, to approve a new prime minister, as the constitution says he must.
He was elected to the lower house of the Indian parliament in 1992 by a borough of New Delhi.
Mr Grillo's Five-Star Movement (M5S) brings some 163 new members to the house and Senate, none of whom have served in parliament before.
He has pledged not even to name his new government until his nomination is ratified by Russia's lower house of parliament, the Duma.
Just across the street from New Scotland Yard and near the Houses of Parliament, the hotel recently reinstalled their House of Commons Division Bell, which rings minutes before a vote, alerting members to head back to Parliament.
Last fall, at the end of its term, King Abdullah dissolved Parliament, the lower house of which is popularly elected, and has yet to call new elections.