Young voters believed Obama represented a new politics that transcended race and embraced their interconnected world.
He's promising what he calls a new politics and to rebuild trust in government.
Mr Paisley has been sapped by age and by slow-burning resentment at his new politics.
The new politics may be a great thing, allowing for authentic connection, assistance and learning among people.
This is the new politics, a world away from the preoccupations of old Westminster and the political elite.
The centre left National Congress for New Politics came second and the Conservative United Liberal Democrats came third.
Fadi Hakura believes that until now secularist Turkey has been intent on creating a new politics for Islam.
We're making this new politics our own, just as we're setting the agenda on the environment and climate change.
And I have become increasingly convinced that this idea of mutualism lies at the centre of the new politics.
Moreover, Italy's claim to have changed rests not just on its economic performance, but also on its new politics.
Because I believe they are at the centre of the new politics, which we should be at the centre of.
Is Arvind Kejriwal a harbinger of a new politics in India?
BBC: Is Arvind Kejriwal a harbinger of a new Indian politics?
We'll see how new the new Prime Minister's new politics really are.
They are often disappointed that instead of the dawn of a new politics, there has been a exacerbation of politics as usual.
They have no place in the new politics he's trying to practice.
But, as with most such examples of communications technology affecting politics, there will likely be significant mayhem, as our remade brains create our new politics.
It is almost certain that the new politics, whatever the Web does to the way we govern, will involve that kind of emotionally driven fellow feeling.
According to the New Politics Institute, the number of eligible Millennial voters will be close to 50m this year and about a third of all voters by 2016.
ECONOMIST: The battle to master new media becomes ever more intense
Let us all remember that our electorate, the people of Scotland, want this new politics to work for them, and that we have a duty to deliver what the electorate expects.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Alex Fergusson's acceptance speech
Scottish Labour's Pauline McNeil called for the full implementation of the recommendations in the Calman Commission and said the "jury was still out" on the new politics since the general election.
The first sign that Ken Livingstone's GLC represented a new politics was that he did not ask me to a show a party card before offering me the job of economic adviser.
The new politics of pragmatism will be put to the test if, as is not impossible, Sinn Fein wins enough assembly seats to put Mr McGuinness within reach of becoming first minister.
On Nov. 3, South Korea saw the joining of forces by two opposition presidential candidates: Kim Dae Jung of the National Congress for New Politics and Kim Jong Pil of the United Liberal Democrats (ULD).
"It's the development of what is almost a new politics, deciding whether the company reflects the values of the community, " said Paul Blank, a spokesman for "Watch Out Wal-Mart, " a watchdog group that is critical of the company.
You know that America is capable of better than what you have seen in recent years, and you are hungry for a new politics based on bipartisan respect for the ageless principles embodied in the United States Constitution.
Most people expect the new ruling alliance, made up of President-elect Kim's National Congress for New Politics, with 77 seats, and the United Liberal Democrats, with 43 seats, to boost their numbers as disillusioned members of the former governing party trickle across the aisle.
Labour see the Lib Dems as the weak link in the coalition and they will be applying as much pressure as possible to Nick Clegg's party by suggesting that the 'new politics' of partnership should not mean saying one thing in opposition and doing another in government.