This has nothing to do with the interview, which is supposed to be about his new romantic comedy opening Friday.
Producers said Monday that Zachary Levi and Krysta Rodriguez will headline the new romantic musical comedy "First Date" by "Gossip Girl" writer Austin Winsberg.
We no longer live in a world where New Musical Express and Rolling Stone codify the new sounds and new styles into neat definitions like punk and New Romantic for the kids to fix their tribal allegiances.
Catherine Zeta-Jones stars in the week's second-highest new entry, romantic comedy No Reservations at five.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Simpsons claim box office victory
Look how New Yorkers panicked over romantic Valentine's dinner reservations because they wanted to watch a midseason road game versus the Raptors.
Made entirely of pink gold with a diamond touch, the new line celebrates true romantic love or the everlasting bonds of friendship through the graceful intertwining of curves that represent variations on the horizontal eight configuration: the universal symbol for infinity.
Giuliani (who once declared Yankee Stadium the most romantic spot in New York) had been seeing Nathan regularly, and publicly, for several months.
The most distinctive of American cities, New Orleans is also hopelessly romantic with its eclectic and action packed fusion of European and American cultures, Creole, Cajun, French and Caribbean.
Then he suavely juggled two genres: romantic comedy (A New Leaf, House Calls) and 32 years of grumpy-buddy movies with Jack Lemmon.
Around for more than ten years, with seating for 30, this is one of the most romantic and charming restaurants in New York.
The title refers to the marriage of Jamie and Cathy, two appealing, twenty-something New Yorkers who set out on their romantic journey full of hope, optimism and vigor.
You may not be in Paris, but New York has everything you need for a romantic outing, even in the dead of winter.
The ever-optimistic Wildhorn is predictably romantic about the looming reviews from New York and prefers to focus his attention on several new projects.
Sometimes the destinations itself is hopelessly romantic, such as Sedona, Arizona or New Orleans.
At his general best, he truly blends romantic and classic impulses, his themes evolving new significance within their structures.
Instead, welcome this new era and see every encounter as a potential moment for romantic sparks and excitement.
That's when some new Goethe will write his Young Werther, and the Digital Romantic Age will begin...and the Mensurstube will look like home.
Romantic violet is the base of Ralph Rucci's new collection.
The Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis romantic comedy Friends With Benefits opens today, and even The New York Times gave it a glowing review.
Platonic and romantic relationships are a challenge for people who value extreme independence and constant new experiences.
You Again, a romantic comedy starring Kristin Bell, Sigourney Weaver and Jamie Lee Curtis is the third new film opening this weekend.