For him, the process of evolution involved new species gaining ground and others losing out.
Koetsu's is as new a species in spacing as Shakespeare's is a new species in drama.
But no one suspected that recombination might also play a role in generating new species.
They are the modern equivalent of Victorian bug hunters, classifying new species in uncharted territory.
Biologists have long dreamed of catching a new species in the act of forming.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on the Possible Formation of a Species | Mind & Matter
New species form constantly, but they take huge stretches of time to do so.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on the Possible Formation of a Species | Mind & Matter
In 2009, a new species of cockroach turned up in a West Side supermarket.
It is now 95% complete and is continually being updated as new species are discovered.
ENGADGET: Scientists estimate at least one third of marine species remain unknown to humans
Brute mathematics predict the new species, known as the marbled crayfish, will outcompete the locals.
In Europe alone, about 700 new species are being discovered each year, says Fontaine.
"And people go gaga when they find 5 new species in the Amazon rain forest, " says Barton.
Officials in New Zealand say they have no idea how the new species arrived in their country.
On her first trip to Jack Bradley Cave last year Barton and her team found 111 new species.
Prehistoric remains discovered more than a century ago have been identified as a new species of marine super-predator.
The site is rich in fossils and a new species of blind cave shrimp was recently discovered here.
While suggestions of a new species threatening the human race have been mooted, Professor Kim is not worried.
Both new species are deceit pollinators, Vale said, enticing bees to spread their pollen without a reward.
He identified 26 new species of bird, more than anyone else now alive, and 38 species of orchid.
Thus far, they have discovered new species, such as worm-like beings called polychaetes, and new cold-water coral reefs.
As well as logging and farming, humans are also introducing new species that are proving deadly to big trees.
Suspecting it might be a new species, they photographed it so their zoologist colleagues could examine it more closely.
BBC: Earth News - New carnivorous mammal species found in Madagascar
The growth of the business in Europe has given birth to a new species of star:the in-house hedge-fund manager.
They hypothesise that epigenetic effects may be so dramatic that merely altering these imprints can create a new species.
But detailed DNA studies and analysis of skulls in museums showed the two populations are in fact a new species.
But new species of foul play like these, says Gartner analyst Avivah Litan, may be signs of scams to come.
You and I must grab onto this notion: The gold is not in creating some new species of animal.
This, in turn, reduced how fast new species evolved in the region to every few million years, the researchers suggest.
Barton, who did her postdoctoral work with Pace, has applied his research toward identifying new species that may fight life-threatening diseases.
Colour patterns on the wings of the butterflies may be crucial in forming new species, because they serve as mating cues.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Two species become one in the lab
The new species were discovered as part of a CI program aimed at assessing the ecological health of a given area.