When spring came, a neighbor thought Lambert-Westcott's husband had a new woman in his life.
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Preparing his new woman's soccer team for their inaugural game this weekend, Thomas Hofstetter acknowledges as much.
After industrialization a new woman, the middle class lady, was born.
During last week's hearing, Jane Herve, UHW head of midwifery, said the hospital has since made four changes, including more training and a shake-up in monitoring procedures as well as introducing foetal heart rate scans to every new woman taken to the midwifery unit.
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In the 1970s, Lynda Carter played the super heroine in the series The New Original Wonder Woman and The New Adventures of Wonder Woman.
But he also ushered in a new type of fashion photograph--and a new ideal woman.
Mom 3.0 is the new millennial woman who is more comfortable being imperfect.
Edie Windsor, an 84-year-old New York woman, is the key plaintiff.
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Verinata, Illumina's testing unit, incorrectly cleared a New York woman's fetus of Down syndrome, according to the case report presented at a medical society meeting last month.
After Cupid withdrew his arrow from the heart of a police detective, the New Jersey woman that he had been dating took to Facebook to inflict her revenge.
Investigators continue to search for the remains of Shannan Gilbert, a New Jersey woman who was last seen in May at nearby Oak Beach, where she had arranged to meet a client she had been in contact with through Craigslist.
One New York City woman says she's planning to move her entire family to a smaller town in Arizona this spring, with a goal of reducing tensions and conflict in her environment.
Nora was something new, an ordinary woman who treated him as an ordinary man.
New images show another woman being approached, but on this occasion the man could not get into her car.
BBC: March release of CCTV footage of attack at Dunstable garage
India is strengthening the law following widespread public demand after the gang rape of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi in December.
India is strengthening its laws following widespread public demand after the gang rape of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi in December.
By following the example of a brave New Yorker , a woman who risked her life to bring slaves along the Underground Railroad.
Clinton run, "That's going to be a sharp contrast, " said Amy Siskind, co-founder of The New Agenda, a woman's advocacy group that was created by 30 Clinton supporters.
But while I would never choose to vote for someone simply because she's a woman, neither do I discount the very powerful impact of seeing a woman conquer new territory.
The Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2013 is meant to replace an interim law which was introduced last month following the brutal gang rape of a young woman in New Delhi.
It is also expected that there will be at least one new witness, a woman who emerged after the first trial and who is prepared to recount a similar story about Mr Spector.
This woman wearing a New England waterman's clothes carried a lot of unanswered questions about her.
She was born in Detroit and moved to New York as a young woman to study design.
Last year, Dr. David Kreiner, a reproductive endocrinologist in New York, helped a woman have a baby at 54.
"Paterson has said he would prefer someone from upstate New York, or a woman or an Hispanic candidate, " Rothenberg said.
L. was in her office, admitting a new patient, a young woman who sat with her back to the door.
His new girlfriend, a sensual woman on the wrong side of 40 but of independent means, announces she is pregnant.
Police in New York have arrested a woman in connection with the death of a man pushed in front of a subway train.