But the question for world leaders now is what the new world order will look like.
They are well aware of the difficulties this may create for the politicians of the new world order.
But DeWitt argues that Silverman will struggle without good--or at least watched--content to support his new world order.
As events in Moscow showed this week, there is a place for Europe in the new world order.
ECONOMIST: Europe frets about its place in a different world order
Media hail the Brics as a "global force" for a new world order after the group's summit in Durban.
The emerging economies, or the New World Order, are currently not in the same position to reproduce such damaging data.
Determined to learn the lessons of the past, this partnership worked to create a new world order, writes Mr Priestland.
The U.S. and Europe, who have dominated the G-8, now have little option too but to accept a new world order.
If you'd like to talk with him about this very different new world order and the role of the United States, 800-989-8255.
He is implementing the New World Order talked about by his father.
How To Run the World, Parag Khanna envisions a new world order.
Talk 20 years ago of a peaceful new world order has disappeared.
Implicitly, if not explicitly, the Bush Administration is saying that the new world order can be relied upon to deter future Iraqi attacks.
These theories are "clearly mad", says Cohen, but attacking the Masons has become a staple for anyone suspicious of a New World Order.
Cooperation, which in the New World Order should gradually become union, is necessary so that together we can meet the challenges ahead with confidence.
It is also sowing the seeds of the future failure of the vaunted new world order it hopes to create built upon U.S.-Soviet cooperation.
They don't need to be dressed up in a vision of some shining new world order that lives mainly in Mr Blair's well-meaning imagination.
The new world order for much business paradoxically means being able to move swiftly at times but at other times also to be more patient.
The truth is that the international community has not created a new world order in which sponsorship of terrorism by states is beyond the pale.
Perhaps breakeven levels have been reduced in this new world order.
FORBES: My Prediction Was Wrong: Why We Didn't Get To $8 Natural Gas
Perhaps in the new world order where sharing is king, the brand who posts the most interesting piece wins, regardless of its connection to the brand.
Attempts are being made to construct a New World Order on the old foundation of Real Politick, where a momentary tactical gain outweighs long-term strategic interests.
There will be another generation of these companies that we think are defining a new world order but are not sustainable for a variety of reasons.
Consequently, the dangerous precedent is being set that aggression pays, that the "New World Order" will reward, rather than repel, violence used to settle regional conflicts.
But first, if you'd like to talk about this very different new world order and the role of the United States, our phone number is 800-989- 8255.
Homosexuals, women and Jews are among those whose lives will be made miserable, or simply be prematurely terminated, in the new world order the Islamists have in mind.
The challenge for America in this new world order is to exercise a new leadership role that is not about preserving hegemony, but about consultation, coordination, and even compromise.
Wilson failed to get either the other victors from World War I or the Republican-controlled Senate in the United States to agree to his plan for a new world order.
As a foundation for this new world order, Mr Priestland is hoping for a new Bretton Woods-style agreement one that would regulate international capital movements and thus tame the power of the bond markets.