There, he was part of the launch team for the World Today, the service's breakfast news and current affairs programme.
In the same session BBC Scotland's director Ken MacQuarrie told the committee, overall in news and current affairs 30 jobs were going.
Aled Eirug is Head of News and Current Affairs at BBC Wales.
We have already reshaped our offering on Saturday mornings, with more news and current affairs on offer to our audience, instead of late night programming.
Politicians also criticised his decision to switch Yesterday in Parliament to long wave, and shorten the news and current affairs programme The World at One.
In a written statement to the committee, senior management at BBC Scotland stressed there would be "no drop in hours in news and current affairs", rather an increase.
Mrs Clwyd's husband, a former head of news and current affairs for BBC Cymru Wales and an ITV executive, had been treated for multiple sclerosis before his death in October.
The RTS Television Journalism Awards celebrate creative and excellent journalism in UK news and current affairs, both by organizations broadcasting in the UK and by companies that supply UK news broadcasters.
While including much of the drama, entertainment, factual and educational programming that sells around the world, the SBC could perhaps co-operate on news and current affairs, if an agreement could be reached.
According to research by Live Talk Back, the list of the top 20 tweeted shows also includes news and current affairs programs, as well as sports coverage including Wimbledon and Formula One.
"These plans, along with recent cuts in the Welsh newspaper industry, have damaging consequences for the reporting of news and current affairs across a wide range of publications and broadcasters, " said Mr Bourne.
The review welcomed the "honesty" of the King report, which graphically highlighted shortcomings in BBC network news and current affairs coverage of Wales, but recommended that Welsh ministers monitor the BBC management's efforts to put things right.
Sian's background is in political programmes - she made daily news and current affairs for Radio 4 for many years - her last job there was producing the 1997 Election Night results programme for Radios 4 and 5.
The head of news and current affairs at BBC Scotland told the Education and Culture Committee there would be "no loss of hours in our output and no drop in the quality of our output" as a result of proposed cuts, on 24 January 2012.
Key titles include the BBC's flagship news and current affairs programme, Newsnight, noted for its in-depth analysis and robust cross-examination of senior politicians (available within a week of the UK broadcast), as well as HARDTalk, Click (a popular technology magazine show covering news and developments in consumer technology), Fast Track and Talking Movies (a guide to the best in film, from the most recent Hollywood blockbusters to ground-breaking world cinema).
ENGADGET: BBC brings global iPlayer iPad app to Canada, one step closer to the US
Unlike the others, it has lively and critical news and current-affairs programmes.
"We bring a lot of regional stories to wider Britain, and that's something historically we've done very well, " Mr Duncan said, referring to the nightly Channel 4 News bulletin and current affairs series such as Dispatches.
BBC's greatest international strength: news and current-affairs.
The channel's coverage of the story also earned it the home news coverage and home current affairs prizes.
The BBC's online services should prioritise news, current affairs, education and information which is of value to the citizen.
It is split into 12 regions, each broadcasting regional news programmes throughout the day along with weekly politics, current affairs and sport shows from their regional centres.
It will not be allowed in news, current affairs or children's programmes - or for alcoholic drinks and foods high in salt, sugar and fat.