He will be officially presented next Monday at a news conference at Stamford Bridge.
Mr Hagel made the comments at a joint news conference with British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond.
"We want a thorough investigation of everything that transpired, " Mr Aquino told a news conference.
To Sunday's postgame news conference Lin wore an oversized, untucked gray shirt, baggy jeans, and sneakers.
Allen is unveiling his new company, Stratolaunch Systems, at a Seattle news conference today.
FORBES: The John Galts of the Future Will Build Galt's Gulch in Space
The very fact that he held the news conference made some White House correspondents cross.
At a joint news conference after two hours of talks, both joked about the error.
Despite those steps, U.S. journalists continued raising those issues at Thursday's news conference with Erdogan.
"Every couple years you should re-evaluate where you're at, " Kennedy told a Boston news conference.
The primary care trust is expected to release more details at a news conference.
Dell is also working on a 10-inch tablet, the company said at a T-Mobile news conference.
At a news conference, authorities would not discuss the circumstances of their kidnapping and captivity.
Esrey, Sprint's chairman and chief executive officer, in prepared remarks released before a news conference here.
The Alliance Party announced its decision at a news conference at 1000 BST on Monday.
The two sides announced their deal at a small July news conference in Saginaw.
In a news conference at the scene, protesters said they had a list of demands.
On March 22, John and Elizabeth Edwards held a news conference in Chapel Hill, N.
Notre Dame rushed forward with a stern-faced news conference, describing Te'o as an unwitting victim.
Rumsfeld and Franks spoke at a news conference Tuesday at Central Command headquarters near Tampa, Florida.
Such notations didn't always make it to the publisher, scholars at the news conference said.
The company announced a casting call for candidates at a news conference in New York City.
"Without doubt I would pay (to see Brazil), " replied Dunga at a news conference on Thursday.
At his White House news conference yesterday, the president faced a string of questions about Iraq.
The news conference originally had been scheduled for Tuesday but was postponed after the bombings.
Audrie's father Lawrence Pott pleaded with witnesses to come forward at a San Jose news conference.
Masters officials spoke with Woods early Saturday morning, Ridley said at a news conference.
David Perkins told reporters Sunday at a Baghdad, Iraq, news conference with an Iraqi government spokesman.
Party leader Mark Durkan will unveil the proposals at a news conference later on Tuesday.
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) looked extremely pleased after the news conference.
At a news conference, Mr Jones said the UK government's austerity measures were not working.