And we had over 500 hours of interviews I did, newsreel footage, archival footage.
Now I saw myself as a figure in a newsreel, a running target.
The prolonged newsreel footage of the actual Mussolini is so appalling that the mystery of his success remains unresolved.
In a newsreel interview, Wiley, standing next to the other survivors, said he was in the control car just before the crash.
Newsreel footage and radio announcer Herbert Morrison's plaintive cry, "Oh, the humanity!"
Lined up behind the lectern in polo shirts or jacket and tie, they could have been spliced seamlessly into an old Apollo newsreel.
It is also possible to listen to contemporary recordings and watch newsreel footage from the time, which lay undiscovered for almost a century.
Mott Hupfel's cinematography is artfully interwoven with stock newsreel footage of New York City, and of Times Square long before it became a theme park.
In another first, newsreel cameras were allowed into the Abbey itself, although those watching the wedding film only saw the backs of the happy couple at the altar.
Some of the scenes, intercut with Nazi propaganda films and ominous newsreel footage of the Nazis' rise to power in the 1930s, were shot by Braun in 16mm color.
Despite the huge coverage -- film technology was in its early days but the remarkable incident was captured on three newsreel cameras -- many newspaper front pages instead led on the winning horse.
To paraphrase the words of Winston Churchill, who is seen in newsreel footage of the Potsdam Peace Conference in "The Good German, " Steven Soderbergh's new film is a puzzle wrapped in a mystery inside a perversity.
The cooperation agreement between ICAIC and INA aims at restoring 35mm prints of the Newsreel and also at making high definition digital copies of the collection, which constitutes an excellent reference material for Cuban and Latin American filmmakers.
The constant newsreel of arrests is nothing short of a public relations nightmare for the NFL. The league is already contending with a handful of lawsuits from the Saints bounty scandal and more than 2, 000 concussion-related suits from former players.
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