Next-door neighbor Michael Thomas found the bodies after being jolted awake by dozens of gunshots.
As in next-door Germany, the two biggest parties clearly have some tricky coalition-building ahead of them.
Mars, our next-door neighbor in the solar system, hasn't given up many of its secrets yet.
MSN: Curiosity aims to unlock Mars mysteries - Technology & science - Space - | NBC News
Next-door Fulham has belonged since 1997 to Mohamed Al Fayed, the Egyptian owner of Harrods.
The Belgians' rightward trend was matched next-door in tiny Luxembourg, which also had a general election.
Visiting old friends, she learned former next-door neighbor Bryan Freund also has a brain tumor, an oligodendroglioma.
One helpful hint the designer offered was a warning to be extra nice to the next-door neighbors.
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Kenya, also worried about Islamist fighters operating in next-door Somalia, has long been receptive to Israel's blandishments.
His backers include rural northerners, who have closest ties to next-door Serbia, ex-communists and the Serb minority.
Not by mere coincidence was Brasilia's political architect, President Juscelino Kubitschek, an ex-governor of next-door Minas Gerais.
As its next-door neighbor, the United States must assist the Haitian people in their quest to build back.
When I was ten living in Milwaukee, WI, we had a next-door lady whose name was Frieda.
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It was your columnist's next-door neighbour, a woman of mild temperament, uncharacteristically a-quiver on this occasion with moral indignation.
Instead, there was increased activity in the next-door part of the brain that deals with inanimate, or non-face objects.
Still, next-door Latvia (which had an international bail-out in 2009) and Lithuania are eager to follow the Estonian example.
The suggestion that by then Mr Blair will have given way to his next-door-neighbour has never seemed more fanciful.
Mr Boyle also told the inquiry that he saw his next-door-neighbour Michael McDaid shot dead near the Rossville flats.
Mr Berisha's new power base is up north in Shkodra, now becoming rich again from smuggling with next-door Montenegro.
They will look increasingly to next-door Turkey or distant Singapore as models of development that bring stability and progress.
Thanks to the work of two young cyber-security researchers, cellular snooping may soon be affordable enough for your next-door neighbor.
We slept the soundest when our next-door neighbor was a state police officer and parked his patrol car out front.
Accidents in Delaware county in Pennsylvania increased by 26% after the next-door state of Delaware introduced a smoking ban in 2002.
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The Web is like the next-door neighbor who keeps asking us to play when we know we have homework to do.
It features a giant wok over a cooking stove that sends its smoke under a bench that heats the next-door living room.
Lieberman referred to the two top vote-getters as New Hampshire's next-door-neighbor candidates.
One of the grumpiest countries, in fact, is probably America's next-door neighbour.
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Maybe she is more of the girl-next-door than she likes to think.
Outside of Delhi, for example, sits Gurgaon, a 30 year old suburb with a GDP that has started to match its next-door neighbor's.
They like the folksy, guy-next-door manner of a high school drop-out who was a television reporter before entering politics as mayor of Calgary.
Ray Charles first discovered his gift for music when, at the age of three, his next-door neighbor taught him how to play the piano.