Retired people, 60 years old and older, still watch TV and the nightly news.
But the media landscape as a whole is Balkanised, with largely city-centric newspapers and state-focused television nightly news.
But have you heard that story on the nightly news, or on the front page of your local newspaper?
"Other people use news and I don't find the nightly news or daily news to be adequate, " he says.
As a correspondent for NBC News from 2000-2004, Banfield reported for The Today Show, NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw and Dateline.
Mr Glass's fellow American minimalist, John Adams, brought the nightly news into opera.
Before returning to Washington, Wolfowitz met for an interview with Mehmet Ali Birand, a nightly news anchor on Turkish television.
O'Brien joined NBC News in 1991 and was based in New York as a field producer for Nightly News and TODAY.
There was a interview that was done tonight on one of the nightly news networks -- a man from Kentucky named J.
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Seeing a park ranger on the nightly news struggling to feed his family while furloughed during a budget impasse makes powerful theater.
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In 2004, Savidge joined NBC News as a correspondent based in Atlanta, reporting for NBC Nightly News, the Today Show, and MSNBC.
While nightly news shows are steadily slipping in relevance, think of the just-released Global Report on Status of Women in News Media.
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Throughout the Olympics, there will be Beijing broadcasts not just of "The Today Show, " but "NBC Nightly News" and "Meet the Press, " as well.
None of this will be news to longtime readers, but it might register a minor blip on the EKG of the couch-surfing nightly news set.
Householders might follow, desperate to get rid of dollars before the next nightly news report tells them that they have lost another 10% of their value.
No sooner had we returned home but saw the same smug photo of Helmsley featured in the lead story on Nightly News With Brian Williams.
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These nightly news programs were at the pinnacle of quality broadcast journalism, and as such, had the capacity to drive consumer, regulatory and even legislative action.
On the nightly news, sportscasters gave time to highlights from games of the Chicago Wolves, a minor-league team, almost as much as they did the Blackhawks.
As for segments on the nightly news, he may not be a worse public speaker than Mr Gore, but his speeches remain idiosyncratically empty of soundbites.
He joined the station in August 2003 as an anchor and reporter after working in New York as a correspondent for NBC News, The Today Show and NBC Nightly News.
White House aides said the president appeared to be the central feature of 24-hour cable news channels and the nightly news broadcasts until roughly the end of 2001.
This latest patient is an NBC "Nightly News" employee in New York who received mail containing a suspicious white powder on the third floor of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan.
He comes to the Saturday lunchtime slot from ITV where he spent more than 20 years as a presenter on Central News and Thames Valley Tonight, the nightly news programmes.
For many years the weather forecast at the end of Soviet TV's nightly news broadcast was accompanied by an instrumental version of a 1967 Eurovision hit - "Love is Blue".
John Kennedy's words, delivered more than four decades ago, read and sound as fresh as the nightly news, with one major difference: John Kennedy did not speak in sound bites.
She will head a seven-person team covering global news stories, filling in when needed on programs like NBC Nightly News and producing specials for Dateline, Rock Center, Nightly News and Today.
At the top of Saturday's broadcast of NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams, with a spoiler alert proceeding, led with the upset victory of Ryan Lochte over a medal-less Michael Phelps in the 400m individual medley.
Hanging with Kevin and Lauren was Janet Janjigian, an Emmy Award winning television news and documentary journalist for NBC Nightly News, ABC News Nightline and CNN in Los Angeles who is now a PR pro.
Plymouth's role as the regional media capital would have been even stronger if ITV had not switched the hosting of its nightly news programme to Bristol - a result of the same pressures facing the newspapers.
"Nightly News" still has a comfortable lead in evening news ratings over ABC and CBS. But Turness will probably face lingering morale issues related to the cancellation of "Rock Center" after being bounced around the network's prime-time schedule.