Overall police numbers hit a nine-year low in 2012, due to tighter budget constraints slowing recruitment.
The margin at these segments averaged 19% in the first nine months of 2004.
Nine years seems rather a harsh penalty for a crime that did not itself harm anyone.
That includes three-quarters of Republicans, nine in 10 Democrats and more than eight in 10 independents.
The article 'Nine culture-filled weekends' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.
Barack Obama didn't fare as well, trailing McCain by nine points among the rural voters surveyed.
The tax cut eliminates the federal estate tax in tortured stages over the next nine years.
This year, nine buildings from around the world have been shortlisted in the religion category.
Children aged four to nine, meanwhile, travel for half-price and the under-threes ride for free.
The article 'Nine unusual places to stay' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.
As it happens, this nine-year-old fund has averaged a real annual return of 0.34%.
The euro is now worth roughly nine kronor for a contract with delivery in June.
But the tourists needed seven balls to hit the nine runs needed to win.
Judge Janice Rogers Brown has served on the California Supreme Court for nine years.
The company has added customers in New York, Chicago and Toronto and owns nine refrigerated 18-wheelers.
Finland's Nurmi won his nine golds in the 1920s and American Lewis in the 1980s and 90s.
It gave me more time with my family than a nine to five Monday to Friday job.
Almost nine out of 10 said they had found a deeper sense of meaning or purpose in life.
Hey, maybe someday the nine-year old version of me can grow up to become a superhero after all.
The National Weather Service has issued warnings of high chances of wildfire activity in nine states, including Colorado.
CNN: Colorado fire tops 55,000 acres, could spread with hot, windy weather
Dennis Masellis is behind bars in an upstate New York prison, where he is serving a three-to-nine-year sentence.
That equates to nine million tonnes of avoidable excess fuel and more than 28 million tonnes of CO2.
Rowling has an 18-year-old daughter and a son and daughter aged nine and seven.
BBC: JK Rowling: Author sells Merchiston house in three weeks
The optimum amount of exercise for reducing risk was between nine and 14.9 met-hours per week.
Japan's 29% tax grab, for example, has climbed by nine percentage points of GDP since 1970.
Sixty-nine people got Zetia on top of more proven cholesterol drugs and 154 didn't.
The UN had recorded 28 cases and nine deaths in China as of Wednesday.
Nine new wells were drilled, compared to 19 in the last quarter of 2012.
In every one of the nine cases the sale of the drug was inappropriate.
Thirty people have been infected with acute hepatitis A, and nine of them have been hospitalized.