When these children were nine months old their mothers were asked whether they had drunk alcohol during pregnancy.
She was just nine months old at the time, but Mr Jameson is not phased by its historic significance.
The twins, now nine months old, are doing well at home.
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The shell of the house was a grim reminder of what happened to Lorraine, Caroline, Sean, 7, Bellina, 4, Clodagh, 19 months and James, who was nine months old.
And not just any girls, but precious little black girls are being found in between the crevices of things, peeled out of ditches like flower petals caught in tar - seven months, nine months, three years old, soiled, discarded toilet paper lives, as the world nods its head to the beat.
Mohammed Farooq, of Clifton Close, Oldham, was jailed for three years, 22-year-old Irfan Khalil, of Park Road, Oldham, to three-and-a-half years and a 17-year-old youth to nine months in detention followed by nine months on licence.
Michelle Askam, from Leeds, said nine-month old Molly had plagiocephaly and spent six months wearing a helmet to correct her head shape.
The court heard the then nine-year-old Shannon had been given the sedative drug temazepam for up to 20 months before her disappearance.
The documents include details on Hendricks' suicide attempt behind bars nine months after her arrest, as well as the fact that her younger son, 20-year-old Marshall, had just moved back home two days before the shootings.
The latter was a small brain tumor which resulted in the 73-year-old suffering minor complications, and there were fears he would have to quit his job just nine months after his appointment along with manager Steve Staunton.
The 31-year-old was with the Glasgow side for four months in 2005, while a Newcastle player - scoring nine goals and lifting a Scottish Cup winner's medal.