"You're not driving and hour and a half to do a ninety- minute patrol, " Fil said.
Ninety percent of electric power is fueled by nonrenewable coal, natural gas or nuclear power.
When a team is successful, ninety per cent of the success is due to the players.
FORBES: In Professional Soccer the Final 10% is the Difference Maker
Ninety years ago, four Cleveland physicians had a great idea for providing more efficient health care.
FORBES: One Great Idea for Reducing Health Care Costs: Replicate the Efficiency of Military Medicine
Ninety-four percent of executives believe that top management needs additional training in core communications disciplines.
And if George or Tom got a ninety-eight then I might as well have failed.
Ninety-five percent of its products are private label and the store is a strictly no-frills operation.
FORBES: Does Discount Grocer Aldi Have the Upper Hand in Urban Growth?
Ninety-five percent of working people in this country saw their taxes cut last year.
Here's the math: ninety percent of the annual one million malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa.
During the ninety-minute helicopter flight, James and his teammates rehearsed the operation in their heads.
Ninety one of the single-embryo women became pregnant after their first cycle of treatment.
Ninety-five people would need to be treated for two years to prevent one event.
He has a lifetime rating of ninety-two per cent from the American Conservative Union.
Ninety percent of electronic waste currently ends up in disposal or shredding without any pre-treatment.
Three-hundred and ninety banks took the chance to borrow at a marginal rate of about 4.21%.
She taught three ninety-minute classes a day with anywhere from twenty to thirty students.
The total projected revenue from such an increase is less than ninety billion dollars.
FORBES: How Much Of A Stretch Is It For John Kerry To Pin Supercommittee Fail On Grover Norquist?
Ninety-eight percent of view time is still spent staring at a traditional TV set.
Ninety percent of the states with efficiency policies are meeting or exceeding their targets.
The ninety-nine per cent is too big a category to be an effective political force.
Of the many species that have existed on earth, more than ninety-nine per cent have disappeared.
On any given day in the United States, some ninety thousand people are in intensive care.
Ninety-sixty percent of respondents indicate that user adoption of Software-as-a-Service applications is also causing complications.
FORBES: From Annoyance to Harmonizer: Cloud Computing's Maturity Curve
Relatively healthy retirees today can expect one or both spouses to live well past ninety.
FORBES: Managing Your Retirement Fund In A Secular Bear Market
Ninety percent of feather merchants in the Cape of South Africa were Yiddish-speaking immigrants from Lithuania.
Lillian Gilbreth died, of a stroke, in Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1972, at the age of ninety-three.
Ninety percent of the deaths occur in developing countries, according to World Health Organization estimates.
Ninety percent of that garbage is recycled, providing 45 jobs for young people from the settlement.
Britain did better than that, for ninety years straight, until being distracted by World War I.
FORBES: Keynesian "Easy Money" Is Nothing But Currency Devaluation
Ninety-one percent of background checks are completed instantaneously, and they don't lead to a government database.