This year, 90 students were accepted for admission to Boston Latin's ninth-grade class (14-15-year-olds).
Though she was a ninth-grade dropout, in 1961 she enrolled in night classes to become a medical assistant.
And when her ninth-grade class visited Washington, Gore arranged a tour of the White House and posed for a group photo.
Those with a ninth-grade literacy level or higher were 4 to 5 times as likely to maintain their mental capacity with age.
The average student enters KIPP two years below grade level in fifth grade, and leaves KIPP in eighth grade achieving at a ninth-grade level.
Albert is doing ninth-grade work at age 12 and just signed up for his first -- free -- online class on Java programming with
The database Transparency Labs, meanwhile, is launching a free web-based service that promises to translate every contract issued by America's largest corporations and financial institutions into readable, ninth-grade-level text.
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But he had a terrible temper, a tendency to escalate rather than to defuse confrontations, and, by the time he was released, just before turning eighteen, he had achieved only a ninth-grade education.
Lehigh University biochemistry professor Michael Behe testified for a third day on behalf of a school board that is defending its decision a year ago, to require students to hear a statement about intelligent design before ninth-grade biology lessons on evolution.
But inside, 20 ninth- and tenth-grade students and seven educators are creating a new educational paradigm.
FORBES: How to Bring Quality Online Education to a Global Student Population
Mr. Sen, 23, is a part-time driver who dropped out of school after ninth grade to work at a car-repair shop.
The university operates four charters for (mostly) poor black children up to ninth grade (14-15), and college-acceptance rates for children going through them have been above 98% in each of the past three years.
Munn's attorneys say she suffered insect bites that led to tick-borne encephalitis in 2007 when she was in the ninth grade, leaving her unable to speak and brain damaged.