The high temperature suppresses the conversion of nitrates into the more toxic nitrites, which ultimately yield tobacco-specific nitrosamines.
There would be no food, oxygen, nitrates, no recycling of organic matter, so life could continue.
The company claims that its extraction process is cheaper than synthesizing nitrates, as its competitors do.
It doesn't hurt to have mining rights to the world's largest known deposits of nitrates and iodine.
Nitrates were discussed and detentions were discussed, the way I made a remark about in my opening remarks.
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The spokesperson refuted the view that the plant would have helped farmers deal with an EU directive on nitrates.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Company pulls out of biogas plan
Next year should be bountiful: alluvial soil is rich in nitrates and phosphates.
Also, all of the drugs can be fatal if ingested by patients who also take nitrates or nitroglycerin for heart ailments.
Runoff of nitrates and nitrites from fields sprayed with chemical fertilizers get into drinking water and cause cancer. can lead to cancer.
From it come the nitrates used in SQM's specialty fertilizers and chemicals.
The phosphates and nitrates stimulate it whereas the extra sediment suppresses it by trapping nutrients in the beds of such bodies of water.
The report, Gaza's Children: Falling Behind, says that high levels of nitrates and other contaminants have been found in the main water supply.
Nitrates, found in faeces and fertiliser, are linked to the doubling of the incidence of watery diarrhoea in children since the blockade began, it says.
For example, the tilapia fish produce ammonia-based waste, which is sent through a biofilter before the nitrates are fed to plants growing in hydroponic beds.
All are made without nitrates or MSG, from natural meats, and despite being quite tender by jerky standards, they have an unrefrigerated shelf life of 9-12 months.
It is important that those taking Viagra are under medical care as there are potential side effects and dangers if the person is taking other drugs containing nitrates.
Nitrates and nitrites are heavily added to meat during processing.
The same analysis warns of the difficulties of attaining an even dispersal of salt in bacon, and the impact of laws restricting the use of nitrates as a preservative.
In the short term, though, Haber merely saved the German war effort as it was on the brink of running out of nitrogen explosives in 1914, cut off from Chilean nitrates.
From the 1830s through the 1920s the nitrates in Chile's Atacama Desert were used mainly for explosives, but the market collapsed in the late 1920s with the invention of synthetic nitrates and the onset of the Depression.
Meanwhile, officials are treating affected areas with chemicals - such as calcium and magnesium nitrates - to try to counter the alkaline effects, amid hopes that what is being described as Hungary's worst chemical accident will soon come to an end.
Nancy Rabalais, who heads the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and has mapped the dead zone each year for nearly three decades, claims that the amount of nitrates flowing into the Gulf of Mexico has increased by up to 300% over that time.
Algae also offer the potential of aiding in the curbing of CO2 emissions from power stations and cement factories, and in cleaning nitrates and phosphates from agricultural runoff water and effluent from sewage plants, while simultaneously furnishing useful fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol according to how the algae are processed.