• They promise lower emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, and carbon dioxide (CO2).

    FORBES: Never Mind Solyndra: Fuel Cell Industry Growing with Government Support

  • Nitrogen oxides contribute to haze and form small particles that make people sick and even kill them.

    NPR: E.P.A Proposes New Rules on Haze

  • According to the company it removes not just sulfur dioxide, but also carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

    CNN: Shipping looks to clean up its act

  • "The marble and sandstone were being weathered by atmospheric fumes, including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, " Gopalakrashne says.

    CNN: Air pollution kills, but deaths can be prevented

  • These gases are then used to clean up smog-producing nitrogen oxides, or NOx.

    FORBES: Clearing the Air

  • These include the exhaust gases such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), and carbon monoxide (CO).

    BBC: London's clue to stubborn ozone levels

  • The proposal set one target for reducing nitrogen oxides from all power plants.

    NPR: E.P.A Proposes New Rules on Haze

  • That dominance is threatened by tightening emissions regulations governing nitrogen oxides and particulate matter--emissions that plague diesel engines in particular.

    FORBES: EPA, Inc.

  • All over the world, since the mid-20th Century, sediments have become measurably enriched in 'reactive' nitrogen - nitrogen oxides and ammonium compounds.

    BBC: Leaving our mark: Fossils of the future

  • Most experts warn against ozone, which results from the sun heating hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in vehicle and industrial emissions.

    CNN: Research finds smog could deal a blow to children's health

  • Automakers already strip lots of other pollutants from cars, such as the nitrogen oxides that contribute to smog, and carbon monoxide, which is poisonous.

    NPR: Has the Move to Make Cars Greener Stalled?

  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates idling trucks consume nearly one gallon of fuel per hour, while emitting nitrogen oxides and particulates, which contribute to smog.

    CNN: An eco-friendly way to cool big trucks

  • Nitrogen is separated from oxygen before combustion, thereby reducing the volume of exhaust gas and making the exhaust easier to treat by preventing the formation of polluting nitrogen oxides.

    FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

  • With engines switched off, approximately 1, 000 pounds of nitrogen oxides emissions, 165 pounds of sulfur oxides, and 30 pounds of particulate matter are eliminated in a 24-hour port call.

    FORBES: Cold Ironing Comes of Age in California

  • Also, to comply with prevailing U.S. emissions standards on nitrogen oxides, or NOx, these big diesels require fairly complicated systems of postcombustion treatment with a water-based urea solution, called AdBlue.

    WSJ: 2013 Porsche Cayenne Diesel Review: Only Geeks Need Apply | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

  • The new rules will require automakers to roll out passenger cars and trucks that will reduce smog-producing pollutants such as nitrogen oxides by 75 percent less from the 2014 levels.

    FORBES: California Sets New Rules To Boost Zero-Emission Car Sales

  • Based upon 2005 emissions, power plants must cut sulfur dioxide emissions 73% (from 8.8 million tons per year to 2.4 million), and nitrogen oxides 54% (from 2.6 million to 1.2 million).

    FORBES: Court Curbs On EPA Offer A Breath Of Fresh Air For Recovery

  • Professor Kyrtatos believes ships' engines could be adapted to meet impending legislation which, he predicted, would require emissions of nitrogen oxides from ship exhausts to be cut by 30% by the year 2007.


  • In Europe the trucking industry has settled on a technology called selective catalytic reduction, in which urea is periodically injected into the exhaust system to break down the NOx, converting nitrogen oxides into (somewhat) harmless ammonia.

    FORBES: Clearing the Air

  • More stringent engine standards were already set to take effect three years hence, and the EPA was now requiring at least a 90% reduction in the amount of nitrogen oxides and soot emanating from diesel engines.

    FORBES: Death By Hubris? The Catastrophic Decision That Could Bankrupt A Great American Manufacturer

  • The researchers examined the prevailing inspection system called On-Board Diagnostics II (OBD-II), which tests for excessive carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides, and also checks the power-train systems for problems that might eventually lead to elevated emissions levels.

    FORBES: Competition Leads to Workplace Corruption, Research Shows

  • The EPA engineers came up with a formula that automakers around the world have long been groping for--an engine that explodes fuel at such a relatively low temperature (below 2, 000 degrees Fahrenheit) that almost no noxious nitrogen oxides are produced.

    FORBES: EPA, Inc.

  • The report also says that the congestion charge has caused reductions in the two most concerning pollutants to London, by 8% for nitrogen oxides and 7% for particulate matter that is fine enough to penetrate the lungs and cause health problems (referred to as PM10).

    FORBES: Paul Maidment

  • The combined effect of charging and improved vehicle technology, notably cleaner-burning diesel engines that are being used in more buses and taxis, has led to an overall reduction of 13% in nitrogen oxides and 12% in PM10 via vehicle tailpipe emissions in the charging zone.

    FORBES: Paul Maidment

  • That means shipowners who wish to ply these waters will have to stop using bunker fuel (the cheap stuff left over once petrol, diesel and aviation fuel have been distilled from crude oil) to power their vessels because burning it produces too much sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and soot.

    ECONOMIST: Marine technology: A voyage of discovery | The

  • Natural gas power emits merely 20% of the carbon monoxide of coal power, 20% of the nitrogen oxides of coal power, less than 1% of the sulfur dioxide of coal power, less than 1% of the particulate matter of coal power and less than 1% of the mercury of coal power.

    FORBES: New Emissions Data Dampen Global Warming Fears

  • It must implement regulations that capture the environmental benefits of nuclear, such as low emissions of carbon dioxide as well as nitrogen and sulfur oxides.

    WSJ: The Experts: What's the Best Way Forward on Nuclear Power?

  • Future versions, they believe, should also be able to cope with pollutants that do not contain carbon, such as oxides of nitrogen.

    ECONOMIST: Diesel engines

  • Ms. PATTON: The Four Corners Power Plant and the Navajo Generating Station collectively discharge some 77, 000 tons of smog and haze-forming oxides of nitrogen each year, and that is comparable to the amount of pollution that would be discharged from some 80 million motor vehicles.

    NPR: E.P.A Proposes New Rules on Haze

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