Given how iffy minor league baseball economics can be-no fat Nike sponsorships or TV deals-the revenue jumps Kaval and Patel put into their business plan are breathtaking.
So if your goal is to lose weight or stay healthy, your best bet is probably to have a small serving of regular ice cream, a serving -- no seconds -- of a low-fat and low-sugar ice cream, or better yet, a bowl of fresh fruit -- with a tablespoon or two of ice cream on top if you really love it!
With instruction on eating a lower-fat diet, most patients experience no further difficulties.
Many low-carb or no-sugar products still contain large amounts of saturated fat, which can raise bad cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease.
Still, while favorite fair confections will no longer be fried in trans fat, deep-fried candy bars and their ilk will continue to be packed with belly-expanding calories.
No doubt investors will carefully gauge consumer reaction to the switch to trans-fat free oil, particularly on the taste on its signature fries.
In an article in the Huffington Post, he notes that at no time in the trial did the control group test a true low-fat diet.
With billions spent in advertising high-fat, sugary foods to children, it's no wonder parents have to take a kid outside for a good talking-to to persuade them to eat the healthy stuff.
Half made no change in their diets, while the other half increased calcium from low-fat dairy foods to about 1500 milligrams a day.
After all, there's no way the baseball cartel would allow more teams to threaten the paydays of fat-cat owners and players.
No one who looked at the 182 pounds I carried on my six-foot frame would have called me fat, but I was 30 pounds over my college weight and 20 pounds over my marriage weight.
"Twenty-three million people tuned in Monday night to see My Big Fat Greek Life, expecting, no doubt, to see a new version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, " its review said.
When 5% of earners pay 60% of income taxes how fat a campaign check does it pay them to write to support tea-party politicians that promise no new taxes?