Boeing has benefited enormously by outsourcing production, but that is a no-go area for Airbus.
"Afghanistan is a no-go area for gays, " said a human rights activist who asked not be named.
All shows must be vetted for content by a censorship board, which means politics is still a no-go area.
The Short Strand must not be allowed to continue as a no-go area.
Long a no-go area, it now draws big crowds after Friday prayers.
Just as tax rises were a no-go area during the election, so too were cuts in the welfare budget (bar a few token gestures).
Poverty, combined with a surplus of guns, has triggered a wave of kidnappings, making the republic a no-go area for foreigners and blocking all aid.
The model here is Central Park in New York, which has been reclaimed from the junkies and muggers who made it virtually a no-go area in the 1970s.
Given that the drone strikes take place in tribal badlands that are a no-go area for outsiders, it is impossible to know the true level of civilian casualties.
ECONOMIST: The Pakistani Taliban: brutal, or simply misunderstood?
The highly contagious virus can be carried by the wind, on the soles of shoes or on the wheels of cars, and the British countryside has become a virtual no-go area.
That has opened the way to restoring the earnings link to the basic state pension, another no-go area for the chancellor, but an indispensable reform if means-testing is to be arrested and saving encouraged.
For several years, countries like Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary have been developing alternative trade routes, and even the European Commission's plan for a continent-wide transport network is based on the assumption that Serbia may remain a no-go area.
The town of Fallujah, which American marines failed to wrest back in bitter fighting last April, has become a no-go area: from it, a miscellany of insurgents, ranging from secular local nationalists to foreign jihadis, mount increasingly horrific suicide bombings and kidnap raids on other cities, including Baghdad.
Anne Widdecombe denied that any direct link had been made by Mr Hague, and that there could not be a policy 'no-go' area on such important issues.
Resident Christine Knight said the area became a "no-go zone".
BBC: Andrew Lansley calls for travellers' site not to reopen
Almost half of Germany's exports go to other euro-area countries that can no longer resort to devaluation to counter German competitiveness.
They've got to go out and get the highest-paying job they can, maybe in an area they had no intention of working in, just to pay back the loan.