Its no-frills mandate--no meals, no in-flight service, no travel agents--is popular with both budget-seekers and jet-setters.
One big no-no in the tax law relates to fines or penalties paid to the government.
It is also the right approach to leave no -- take no option off the table.
Konrath says looking at your cell phone during a meeting is another big no-no.
And implanting devices into it for purposes of neuro-enhancement is, by and large, an ethical no-no.
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Emigrant fully admits it specializes in no-income, no-asset mortgages commonly known as NINA mortgages.
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No artifice, no flash, no -- well, frankly, no star power to speak of.
"They wanted to co-own our intellectual property, and that was a no-no for me, " he says.
This is a no-no when your currency is under siege and GDP momentum stalls out.
Are peanuts a total no-no or just if there's a history of allergies in your family?
But one of the female stilt walkers teetered nervously, which was a no-no in Pope's book.
At the end of that 30-hour clock, no one -- no one opposes the nominee.
Textual criticism of the mutually contradictory early versions of the Koran, by contrast, is a no-no.
Lacking a control group is a fundamental no-no in social science research across the board.
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Until compelled to do so by some court, revealing executive emails without permission is a huge no-no.
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I'm not drinking - that would be a journalistic no-no - and we are surreptitiously recording this...
Ellen Sabin is a piker in publishing--she has no agent, no big-name publisher and no experience writing books.
Simply holding the phone in your hands, for all intents and purposes, is pretty much a California no-no.
CNN: Judge rules using smartphone maps while driving illegal
On the one hand he's saying the United States has no intent - no hostile intent - against Iran.
Not all supermarkets are created equal, especially when it comes to the number of praiseworthy no-load-no-transaction-fee funds they offer.
Her spins were solid, though they were all done in the same side of the rink, a choreographic no-no.
I'm exhausted, and afternoon thunderstorms-an absolute no-no for small planes--are in the forecast.
To some degree, the supermarket concept, with its bargain-basement no-load-no-transaction-fee lure, is misleading.
So in a cooperative G20 kind of world, devaluing your currency to keep your exports cheap is a no-no.
To be blunt, Portland's art scene has a lot of no-no on its lips but yes-yes in its eyes.
Then came a year when there were no calls, no e-mails, no word.
No Palm Pilot, no Memo app in an iPhone, no voice-recorder, no video, no contraption, no wires just ink and paper.
Most of the supermarkets levy a transaction fee if you sell a no-load-no- transaction-fee fund within 45 to 90 days.
You know - no, no - and every many in here has, has dated a woman with some daddy issues.
The second was vetoed by the director of photography because it got too much direct sunlight a no-no for movie cameras.