We are, in short, poised to stand the U.S. Marine's motto "No better friend, no worse enemy" on its head.
Generations of U.S. Marines have exemplified the motto "No better friend, no worse enemy" with their unstinting dependability in the face of adversity, and their ferocity in combat.
The data points to returns that are no better or worse than traditional indexing.
Obama views the United States of America as no better or worse than the affluent countries of Europe.
Mr Duncan Smith's performance was no better or worse than his batting average.
The transaction, in other words, leaves you no better or worse off in pretax terms but considerably better off aftertax.
Personal integrity, a sense of seemliness and concern for those who depend on us are not "values" that are no better or worse than other values.
It has to be said that the company's standards are no better nor worse than most every other large U.S. corporation's, and that Disney complies with Securities and Exchange Commission guidelines.
"These are great numbers for Obama, but they are no better or worse than Bill Clinton or George W. Bush got after their first speeches to Congress, " said Keating Holland, CNN polling director.
Although there is still limited empirical evidence on the relative performance of socially responsible investing in comparison to conventional investing, one 2000 study concluded that social mutual funds perform no better or worse than conventional mutual funds.
FORBES: Friend or Foe? Fiduciary Duties Meet Socially Responsible Investments
That means in terms of call quality it's no better, or worse, than many of its competitors.
Yet in every measurable way, the results our health care system produces are no better and often worse than the outcomes in those countries.
FORBES: 5 Myths in Steven Brill's Opus on Health Costs--Part 1
Christine Russell of Boston University reviewed 300 studies and found that 78 percent of them concluded that bilingual education was no better or actually worse for English learners than doing nothing!
The third explanation is the simplest: that the use of computers in teaching is no better (and perhaps worse) than other teaching methods.
Morally, entrepreneurs are no better--or worse--than the rest of humanity.
There are observational studies that purport to reveal otherwise, that Medicaid coverage is worse or no better than being uninsured.
As they review their regimes in the light of their troubles, governments may decide that the alternatives are economically better, and politically no worse.
There is, for better or worse, almost no support in Russian society for a more aggressive anti-Assad stance.
FORBES: Chechen Volunteers in Syria and the Dangers of Intervention
For better or worse there is no one around any more with Karajan's clout as maestro, businessman and jet-setter.
Why, then, do this year's economic growth forecasts look no better, and on some estimates worse, than last year's 3.1%?
On the ground, Mr Barak was no better, and in some ways worse, than his unlamented predecessor and possible successor, Binyamin Netanyahu.
For instance, Manzoor Bahadur, who runs a large clothing retailer, complains that parents lose control of their children when their youngsters learn English, and says that children who spend time at school in Pakistan do no worse (and sometimes better) than those who stay in Bradford.
Despite a growing number of studies showing that charter schools are generally no better and often are worse than their traditional counterparts, the state and local agencies and organizations that grant the charters have been increasingly hesitant to shut down schools, even those that continue to perform abysmally for years on end.
They know that without him at the helm they stand no better chance and probably a worse one of winning some of the favours that they have been seeking as a reward for giving him support.
ECONOMIST: Italy��s government soldiers on, but for how long?
It should review that policy which is clearly no better than the alternatives, and is probably worse.
However, CBO data indicate that during the expansion of the last decade median income growth rates were no worse than in the 1990s and better than in the 1980s.
FORBES: A Cheerful Welcome To The Robots, Our Future Work Overlords
Professionalization of a teaching profession that merely focuses on getting better PISA test scores or more efficient teaching of a common core curriculum will do no better than what we have now, and probably worse.
Many childcare organisations point out that the state is removing children from hazardous situations at home and then effectively placing them in worse situations or conditions that are no better than they had experienced before being taken into care.