Any pro-life philanthropist wanting to save as many as possible of the world's unborn could do no better than to put his money into developing technologies that would allow sex selection before conception.
No better than to hear it directly from the man at the top, and one who leads a team at Penn that, like a few other institutions, are leading the way to greater access and affordability to provide kids a great education at a fair price, without the onerous burden of thousands of dollars in student loans.
Teams that are bad, like the Hornets, have no better option than to do no real planning whatsoever, keep losing and keep praying they get the No. 1 pick.
Because there is no role model more powerful than a parent, and no better way to take back our ball fields than raising kids with composure, here are more tools for parents on how to raise real athletes, on and off the field.
Since there is no time like the present, I decided that there was no better time than CeBIT to sit for a portrait.
And with unemployment stubbornly stuck near 10%, there is no better time than now to relieve domestic workers from the burden of capital income taxation.
WSJ: Thomas F. Cooley and Lee E. Ohanian: The Bush Tax Cuts Never Went Far Enough
Instead, his game fell apart in the fourth round against journeyman Jonas Bjorkman and he crashed out in straight sets - allowing Thomas Johansson, a player no better than him, to come through and take the title.
But if the school makes the decision to compete, no money is better spent than that to secure the most productive coaching staff.
And I'm absolutely confident that America has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
Well, color has to be the answer and there's no better time to repaint than spring.
This was why there was no man better than Mr Fraser to stumble on the Flashman story.
Mr Hedberg acknowledges that there may be no better time to strike than in the coming months.
The determinants of share prices are complex, and central bankers are no better qualified than anybody else to judge them.
Even those that do not take home the throne can rest easy knowing there is no better place than an outhouse to wipe the slate clean for next year.
BBC: Toilets take to the streets in annual US outhouse races
But those who study the world wide web, such as Prof Nigel Shadbolt, of Southampton University, believe the principles on which it was built are worth preserving and there is no better monument to them than the first website.
What is more, if Congress is serious about procurement reform in the Pentagon, about reducing the unacceptably long lead-times from program inception to deployment, and about minimizing the costs of defense systems, it will find no better model than the approach used to bring on line successive generations of submarine-launched ballistic missiles.
McNeill and Laird then returned to the 18th and after narrowly missing water with his second shot, the American could do no better than a five, allowing Laird to become the sixth first-time winner at the TPC Summerlin course in the last six years.
Even receiving little to no interest income on cash was better than experiencing a 30 to 40% loss.
Japan's exporters are no better placed than Germany's to cope with the falling dollar.
There is no better way to do this than to permanently cut tax rates on savings and investment.
WSJ: Thomas F. Cooley and Lee E. Ohanian: The Bush Tax Cuts Never Went Far Enough
To the south, Argentina may find no better answer to its woes than another spin with Carlos Menem and Peronism.
"There's no better way to earn dignity than to work, " he said.
Let's prove that there's no better place to do business than here in the United States of America, and let's start right away.
And, really, there is no better place to do this than the annual fashion show known as the Academy Awards, more popularly the Oscars.
You'll find no better guide to Silicon Valley than Williams.
Given the level of opportunity that we have today, combined with our ability to bring about rapid global change through system-change and exponential technology, there is no better time to start moving than now.
FORBES: How I, A Woman, Learned To Break The Rules And Do My Part To Help Better The World
Despite the benefits of devaluation, quantitative easing and a slower pace of deficit reduction, the U.K. recession has actually performed no better than Spain in the year to the end of March while its export performance has been worse.
Fourth, if Messrs Netanyahu and Barak reckon that they need America's military might to complete what they start, there may be no better combination to ensure that than a politically weak president whose Republican opponents have made unquestioning support for Israel a wedge issue a year before a presidential election.
" The airport commission's Bernstein said that "it's better to be memorable than to have three initials no one can really recall.