Although it is not often recognized as a vehicle for future economic competitiveness and prosperity, No Child Left Behind is remarkably attuned to the needs of students who we want to succeed in a competitive world.
But our goal is to maintain the best spirit of No Child Left Behind, which is we want high standards, we want every kid learning, but we also want greater flexibility.
No Child Left Behind is largely about grades 3-8, less so about high school.
To learn more about now No Child Left Behind is working in one school, we've reached Tajah Gross.
The essence and elegance of No Child Left Behind is that we are going to peel back the onion and hold ourselves accountable.
And that's why the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind is going to be an important part of the legislative agenda going forward in 2007.
One of the tenets of No Child Left Behind is that it requires states to report test results for individual racial and ethnic groups, a process called disaggregation.
Just ahead, Congress reviews sentencing laws, and the No Child Left Behind Act is up for revision.
Members of Congress: The No Child Left Behind Act is a bipartisan achievement.
What No Child Left Behind says is that teachers need to be certified before they step into the classroom.
What No Child Left Behind says is that we are going to have our kids on grade level by 2014.
And by the way, this is different from No Child Left Behind, because what that did was it gave the states the wrong incentives.
And so, as a part of No Child Left Behind, there is a process where the school will go into a year one of needs improvement, a year two of needs improvement.
Democratic leaders also say that the additional funding for No Child Left Behind falls far short of what is needed to support schools struggling to comply with the law.
Thanks to No Child Left Behind (Race to the Top is not off the hook, either), there has to be complicity between teachers, students and parents to get funding.
The law, No Child Left Behind, as it currently stands, is four years overdue for being rewritten.
What is your stand on education reform and the No Child Left Behind Act?
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No Child Left Behind was very much a bipartisan effort, but the Teach for America program is hardly dominated by conservatives.
The change is to be piloted in 10 states and is designed to appease a political firestorm after it became very clear that under No Child Left Behind, the vast majority of schools, even those considered to be good schools, were just not making enough progress.
The No Child Left Behind Bill, which was an early symbol of cooperation between Congress and the president, is very much in the balance.
So what we've said is, look, we'll provide states some waivers to get out from under No Child Left Behind if you can provide us with a plan to make sure that children are going to be college and career ready.