As Congress contemplates a renewal of the No Child Left Behind law, there are ample opportunities for reform.
Under the No Child Left Behind law, that means that they have to take steps to improve student test scores.
She said the No Child Left Behind Law passed two years ago had not helped public schools solve their problems.
The No Child Left Behind law was Mr. Bush's signature domestic achievement, a bipartisan triumph jointly championed by the late Sen.
And these are tests connected to the No Child Left Behind Law?
That same year the No Child Left Behind law passed, requiring public schools to test students at least once a year, from grade three on.
In K-12 education, the No Child Left Behind Law has produced important benefits for students by holding schools accountable for the academic achievement of all children.
The No Child Left Behind law requires that all children regardless of income, race or ethnicity be able to read and do math at grade level or above.
There has been a decline in the time that elementary teachers spend on science over the past six years under the No Child Left Behind law, Eberle said.
This is why, in my State of the Union address this year, I said that Congress should reform the No Child Left Behind law based on the principles that have guided Race to the Top.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on No Child Left Behind Flexibility
The Obama administration said Tuesday it will allow eight more states to skirt key provisions of the No Child Left Behind law, bringing to 19 the number that no longer have to abide by main tenets of the unpopular legislation.
Tests have taken on increasing importance in U.S. education since the federal No Child Left Behind became law in 2002.
They ended up passing the president's tax cuts and signature No Child Left Behind education reform law, among other big initiatives.
And Race to the Top should be the approach we follow this year as we replace No Child Left Behind with a law that's more flexible and focused on what's best for our kids.
The law, No Child Left Behind, as it currently stands, is four years overdue for being rewritten.
So for the past three years, the law, under No Child Left Behind, the federal government has evaluated public schools based on the progress students make towards this goal by comparing students year to year.
Both McCain and Obama plan to keep in place the No Child Left Behind Act, although they both want to tweak the law.
By passing the No Child Left Behind Act, you have made the expectation of literacy the law of our country.
The Obama administration began giving states leeway on No Child Left Behind after Congress was unable to reach agreement on renewing the law.
They played games with their numbers during the Clinton administration when we were trying to implement the law that was the predecessor to No Child Left Behind.
Democratic leaders also say that the additional funding for No Child Left Behind falls far short of what is needed to support schools struggling to comply with the law.