The details of his life that have emerged so far suggest a lonely, loveless and circumscribed existence: no wife, no close friends, a cheap apartment.
ECONOMIST: The killings at Fort Hood
He has, he admits, no close Romanian friends.
Funnily enough, even among close friends no-one asked which party you voted for, it was almost as though it was a secret.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Iraq election log: 31 January 2005
Two stars at the top of their profession, once great friends but no longer close, and suddenly one comes clean to the press about how the relationship turned frosty.
FORBES: Ackman And Einhorn: The A-Rod And Jeter Of Hedge Fund Heavyweights
While all were close friends or family, no one can love a house as much as the owner.
WSJ: How Owners of Vacation Homes Can Deal With Friends Who Want to Visit
Other former officers, such as General Arevalo, who are no friends of his but are close to Mr Portillo, may be working to protect the army.
ECONOMIST: It is not at all clear that the army is curbed
Eight years later, they are close friends, but she has no idea of his religious beliefs.
NEWYORKER: No Death, No Taxes