"In my view, this is an opportunity to prove there is no defect in the justice system, " said fellow defense lawyer Sulaiman.
When consumers can decide at minimal cost whether or not the product meets their expectations and there is no defect that causes injury, the government should lay off.
There was no mechanical defect to explain the tragedy, but the inquest heard that the road surface was worn and was resurfaced a few weeks after the accident.
It also had no formal driver defect reporting system in place, where employees are required to visually inspect vehicles for defects.
Because the coaches take the air out of the ball, never allowing the talented players to freelance, the really talented ones defect to the NBA no later than their freshman or sophomore year.
WSJ: Joe Queenan on Why We Should Sleep Through March Madness | Moving Targets
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month inspected a company manufacturing plant in Minnesota and found no problems that could have caused the defect.
But the Cystic Fibrosis Trust said the medicine was "transformational", had a "dramatic effect" and that experts say "no other medicine addresses the basic genetic defect in cystic fibrosis".
BBC: Cystic fibrosis: New drug Kalydeco refused for Welsh NHS
The limner always felt tenderly toward children: for themselves, for the grateful fact that they overlooked his defect, and also because he had no issue himself.
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Sponsors assume no responsibility for any error, omissions, interruption, deletion, defect or delay in operation with transmission, communications, line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or allegation of submissions.
Because I think the no-haggling norm is good for society, I think firms that defect from it deserve to be stigmatized.
The high court ultimately agreed with WLF that Congress mandated preemption of design defect claims when it adopted the Vaccine Act, which established a national, comprehensive, no-fault compensation program for vaccine-related injuries.
FORBES: High Court Upholds Federal Preemption of Design Defect Claims Against Vaccine Makers