No fool, John Hancock chose six of its better-performing funds for R share treatment.
Reagan, no fool, never liked deficits but was not unduly troubled by them, either.
Sharpe is no fool and has articulated some of his concerns extremely well, and some are quite fundamental.
Mr Gandhi, who can seem an awkward politician, though he is clearly well-intentioned and no fool, knows this.
He is no fool and speaks out very quietly yet clearly when necessary.
Graham, no fool, had presented Dylan with a poster for a show he was promoting on behalf of the Mime Troupe, featuring a number of local bands.
But Mr Satchell admitted no system was fool-proof and that, with enough time and dedication, the security on the Xbox 360 would be broken.
No one offered such fool's gold would be likely to be taken in again.
No nation would be fool enough to compete with the United States in a new arms race.
There is, as has been widely observed, no such thing as a fool-proof system.
No sincere scholar of April Fool's day should wish to be anything else.
No investment bank has a fool-proof formula for rewarding its dealmakers.
While no one can provide a fool-proof way to always spot an opportunity, of course, there are some simple tests you can apply in order to increase your chances of success.
Although there are no claims contained herein that a fool-proof system of vetting questionable emerging market entities can be configured at the state, or even federal, levels, a good-faith effort to strengthen transparency and dialogue in this area could avoid some of the most troubling abuses of the US capital markets as well as help safeguard the public portfolios of California and other states.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Roger Robinson testimony on California Pension Funds
Despite his name, Cartier was no jeweller: he had found worthless quartz crystals and fool's gold.
" To this Winnick might have replied: "No worries, Leo, you don't need to fool it forever.
It's a tough tournament and only a fool would suggest that winning is a certainty for any team, no matter how talented.
But now knowledgeable amateurs and industry experts can trade stock tips for no charge in popular personal investing sites such as the Motley Fool.
No one would ever call Silvio Scaglia a buffone, Italian for fool.
Look no further than to websites such as Forbes, Seeking Alpha, and for the information individual investors needs to manage their own portfolio.
So I ask you to support, No. 1, an economic program that saves Social Security first, and don't fool with this balanced budget until we actually achieve it, and that we ought to look at the black ink just for a day or two before we start giving it away...