Shakuntala Devi's dazzling computational powers revealed themselves in early childhood but she had no formal education.
Mr. Biswas is a 23-year-old orphan with a wife, a 3-year-old daughter and no formal education.
The government built the first school only a year ago, so most of Saridal's 400-odd residents have no formal education.
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Like many Afghans, Nasim had no formal education - he says he did not have the time or the opportunity.
With no formal education, he busied himself as a sharecropper and day-labourer, working on railways and in mines until the Depression hit.
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For Miranda, a green card and 26 years in the country give her some security, but limited English skills and no formal education offer few other work options.
Although Peru offers free and compulsory pre-primary, primary and secondary education (i.e. up to 16 years), only 42.5% of the poor complete primary education, while 13.1% receive no formal education whatsoever.
You can be a college graduate with a white collar job, or a skilled factory worker with no formal education, or a technical type with an education somewhere in the middle.
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It gave me the confidence to work as a middle school science teacher in a Mexican barrio in San Diego, California even though I had no formal education training or experience with the culture.
According to data from the Education for All Global Monitoring report, published by UNESCO, only 59% of mothers with no formal education in 16 Sub-Saharan African nations knew that condoms could help reduce the spread of HIV.
Over 60% of child brides in Africa have received no formal education whatsoever, and girls who give birth under the age of 15 are five times more likely to die in childbirth than women who have children in their early 20s.
While documenting oral Mayan histories, the collective trains and employs people who would otherwise have no access to formal education.
Formal education was no part of this pattern of life, but Letitia learned all the skills of managing a plantation, rearing a family, and presiding over a home that would be John Tyler's refuge during an active political life.
Consequently, the pursuit of education is no longer associated with cultural alienation, as is so often the case with formal education in French.
UNESCO: Associates in Research & Education for Development (ARED)