So the problem could have been that there were just no good buyers out there.
But it has learnt an expensive lesson: that cash is no good without reform.
It's a real dilemma and one to which the government has no good answer.
Digital English is no good for poetry or novels, but on balance it's refreshing.
Anyone who tries to rush you into a deal is probably up to no good.
"We tried to attack without the ball and with no good connections, " he said.
People have been saying the Windies are no good, but we've played some very good cricket.
No good movie is too long and no bad movie is too short, he wrote.
CNN: Roger Ebert gets final 'thumbs up' from family, friends
There were no good reasons for these restrictions, the OFT said, and they limited patients' choice.
The thing about the Amazon is that there are no good lodges up there.
That's not illegal, but there's usually no good, legal tax reason to do it.
"There's no good weighting system that could be used that is accurate, " says Mr. Cullen.
"The Olympic Games are no good for business, " says a local mechanic named Mr. Wang.
There really is no good way to compare sums over that period of time.
Senator BARACK OBAMA (Democrat, Illinois, Presidential Candidate): We've been left with no good options.
It's no good bailing out the banks if you can't bail out the economy.
The opposition argues that no good will come of reforms inspired by cost reduction.
ECONOMIST: Universities desperately need reform��yet resist change
So you will not be followed or have you home entered for no good reason.
But that was then and this is now and now no good deed goes unpunished.
This latest bit of no good, very bad news should prevent investors from gaining any motivation.
FORBES: Best Buy's Latest No Good, Very Bad News Diminishes Odds Of A Buyout Or Turnaround
The Pasleys learned that day there's no good way to tell your child she has cancer.
Richard Clewer, chairman of Salisbury Area Board, said there was "no good time to conduct redevelopment work".
However, 4He (two of each), nitrogen (seven of each) and oxygen (eight of each) are no good.
There were no good options available, but leaving things as they were looked the worst of all.
But Mr Blix's hunch before the war, that he was up to no good, wasn't far wrong.
His more interesting point is about the do-gooder, who in Hannah's case does no good at all.
Both articles are quite socially irresponsible and you will certainly recieve no good will in the long run.
The trouble with the West Lothian question, like many good questions, is that it has no good answer.
In short, Mr Kostunica has no good reason to believe Mr Milosevic would not get a fair trial.
The problem with this approach it that it does you absolutely no good if your industry goes away.
FORBES: How To Thrive In The Pink Slip Economy--No Matter What You Do Now