He was asked whether that meant he would vote No if he didn't get what he wanted - whatever that is.
You won't, I think, be surprised to be told that no, he didn't.
He had no job, he didn't go on holiday... he felt worthless.
He was a former mayor of New York City who was actually, in 2008, was trying to become president of Florida, but no, he didn't make it that far.
NPR: With White House Bogged Down By Scandal, GOP Looks For Boost
Chopin said he hated music where there is no hidden thinking, but he didn't like to show the inner element or declare it.
WSJ: Maurizio Pollini: Not as Others See Him | Cultural Conversation by David Mermelstein
While he held no remorse, his writing indicates that he didn't think people in general cared for each other at all.
Wiederhorn points out that his past malfeasances are spelled out in the franchise agreement so no one can say he didn't know what he was getting into.
No prizes for guessing that he didn't have a clue about how to go about it.
John Kennedy was no economist either, yet he didn't hesitate to declare that the dollar should be as good as gold.
In such an event, Greene would say that there were no unaccounted funds and that he didn't want anyone to believe that Tice had stolen, embezzled or taken money in the way Greene had once alleged, court transcripts show.
"He was very composed with no errors when he won his first cap although he didn't have many chances, " he said.
Like Roseman, he didn't play, didn't coach and had no connections.
The Wimbledon upset seemed like a blip: Nadal moved well against Rosol and showed no signs of injury, and he didn't say anything about being hurt.
He had no idea why, and didn't really care.
WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru
As a lifelong bachelor, he had no wife or children to mourn him, and most of his friends didn't even know he had passed.
He has no explanation for why the drug didn't affect the diets of 12 control subjects of normal weight.
Believing that the assailant was no longer on campus, police didn't think he posed a threat to other students.
I'm sorry he didn't, but we had no right to expect anything more from a life that delivered such a rich harvest of great performances.
Fred Ridley, chairman of the competition committees, said he looked at video as Woods was playing the 18th hole Friday and saw no need to ask him about the drop because he didn't detect a violation.
"There's no negotiating back there: He either did it or he didn't, " Petrocelli said.
Both declined to do so, although Whitacre said the merger would "have no impact on the consumer marketplace, " and that he didn't foresee any price hikes.
So that was the original motivation but there's no doubt he wouldn't have sided with America if he didn't believe there's something in it for Russia.
"They got another million dollars with, really, no additional collateral, other than a promise that if he didn't do well, they'd go get it from the federal government, " Mitchell says.
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said last month that if Congress didn't overhaul No Child Left Behind soon he would waive certain requirements in exchange for states adopting changes he supports, such as linking teacher evaluations to student achievement and expanding charter schools.
So no losses can be claimed and he may be taxed on profit he didn't really have.