But Lunghi showed no signs of bitterness at the manner of her departure from the show.
No doubt all manner of tablet prototypes are in the works in Cupertino (and China and Brazil).
There's no mention of whether this model would have any manner of 4G support, but CDMA, GSM, and LTE in a single phone -- with at least five bands, if not more -- would be pretty wild indeed.
But there was no sense of surrender about the manner in which he played here.
Yet over the span of 40-plus years, those eleven words have achieved iconic stature in no small way because of the unassuming manner in which they were uttered.
That ecological embrace should recommend the reality that we are all vulnerable in an instant, and in no less a manner than all those hundreds-of-billions of other creatures who are at our mercy.
No not, in some perverse manner, a method of bailing out the banks from their mistakes.
We have no idea how to treat schizophrenia and type of money academia spends and the way isolated labs work in unfocused manner is no where close to what is required to find a cure.
FORBES: Has Bad Management Destroyed Two Generations Of Drug Research?
Unfortunately, it is now increasingly clear that Ehud Barak has no intention of conducting his peace diplomacy in such a manner.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Endgame For Israel: Barak��s Clever Strategy�� Revealed
Spreading the scope of moral hazard in this manner is no solution.
"There have been Arab filmmakers for a long time... it's just that the film industry, whether for women or men, is one that is difficult because there's no funding and you have to figure out your own manner of making films, " she said.
She has, in the manner of all great style icons (and make no mistake, the queen most definitely is one), determined a winning combination from which she never deviates.
Now, the couple sitting across from my husband and I at another artfully worn wooden table are playing dominoes, in what can only be described as an ironic manner, given no locals have played dominoes since the invention of fruit machines (slot machines as they are called in the US, also known as one armed bandits).
The first thing to note is that the manner in which he will exercise power formally is of no importance.
Guessing in the most informed manner possible, using all of the scientific tools available but no one knows what climate sensitivity is.
FORBES: Climate Change Is Now Less Of a Problem. So We Need To Do Less About Climate Change
The court heard that Mr Ferry's mother, who suffers serious ill health, suffered mental anguish due not only to his death and the manner of it, but because for five months she had no idea what had happened to him.
BBC: Garry Smith admits murdering Graeme Ferry and burying body
Thus there is no relevant army of the unemployed and thus wages get bid up in the manner we see.
FORBES: Karl Marx Tells Us About Chinese Manufacturing Wages and Silicon Valley Interns
Dr. Mirage is a key piece in the future of the Valiant Universe and the timing of the return, as well as the manner, is no accident.
This result is in no small measure a consequence of this legislation being managed in an extremely closely held manner.
Born Joel Arthur Rosenthal, he affects to be known, in the manner of Prince or Christo, by a single name: JAR (no periods).
"The Senate will proceed in a manner that is respectful of Mr. Burris while ensuring that there's no cloud of doubt over the appointment to fill this seat, " Reid said.
We paid up, of course, and then organised everything in an entirely different manner and heard no more from them.
FORBES: Russians In Cyprus: It's Not About Tax It's About The Rule Of Law And Property Rights
Economists who have looked at Europe, asking, in the manner of Mr Mundell, whether it is an optimal currency area, usually answer No.
Yes, with all the nonsense about homeopathic treatment for animals although most of them do stop short of having to bury a cow horn in the dung pile by moonlight (no, really, there is a wing of the movement which insists that this helps in some manner).
Headteachers in the borough were furious at the manner of her departure, though critics locally say she was hampered in the post by having no social work background.
Without adequate staffing and infrastructure, the risk will be that elements of the reform package will be either postponed or adopted in a cursory manner, with no meaningful ability to monitor compliance and enforce against rule-breakers.
But this is a beach town, and no spot is more symbolic of its identity than the promenade above the sands, crammed with stalls selling all manner of cheap holiday novelties to browsing vacationers.
No person associated with a member shall participate in any manner in a private securities transaction except in accordance with the requirements of this Rule.
FORBES: Wells Fargo Broker Fined And Suspended For REIT Customer Referral