He said the guerrillas were pinned down for the moment but there would be no retreat.
Both Mr Bush and Mr Rumsfeld fired back this week, saying, in effect, that there would be no retreat and that there were enough troops in Iraq already.
Mr Rawls makes no retreat from his previous criticisms of unjust institutions when he argues that liberal-democratic governments may not use these coercive means to foist liberal democracy on decent but illiberal peoples.
Now Gordon Brown has also warned this week, saying that there will be no retreat to the soft options, the narrow politics of failed policies of the past and he was aiming that at the Deputy Leadership candidates and I wonder whether he was aiming it at you.
Like Cortez burning his ships, they have no line of retreat.
Florida's law states that a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force ... to prevent death or great bodily harm.
Stocks like Morgan Stanley, Travelers and Merrill Lynch have been cut in half, thereby discounting all but the most dire scenario, which would be no earnings and a retreat to book value.
To find reasons for the hasty retreat, look no further than the opinion pages in the Arab press.
The point is that the most arduous retreat is by no means a decisive defeat and can even sow the seeds of historic success.
The first weeHouse was a 350-square-foot box with no indoor plumbing, built as a rural retreat for a professional violinist.
WSJ: Minneapolis Luxury Real Estate: A Big Version of a 'weeHouse'
Yediot praised the retreat as a work of operational genius because no one was wounded, kidnapped or killed during the 48-hour operation.
Security spokesman Alejandro Poire said there would be no truce with the cartel, which he said was "in retreat".
When none of this turned out to be true, however--the shooter was not really a political actor at all, but just a mentally ill lost soul with no connection to partisan politics--the scare began a slow retreat.
Mr. Simpson argued that the West had turned its back on Afghanistan after the retreat of the Russians, if this is the case there can be no time in the recent past when the West can be accused of less interference in this nation.
BBC: News | PANORAMA | Your earliest comments on Afghanistan - The Dark Ages
New Hampshire has no sales tax either, which would seem to make it an ideal New England retirement retreat.
He went to a retreat of Republican House members last week where he told them, reportedly, there were no press in the room, that if he watched his poll numbers, he would lie in a fetal position on the floor.
If that is not the case, or is no longer the case, then it is a sure sign that the protection of property rights is in retreat.
Travelers on a design quest are willing to go to great lengths to find a place NO ONE has been to (at least no one they know) in order to experience the thrill of sleeping in a home designed by James Turrell or retreat to an island peppered with the works of Tadao Ando in remotest Japan (see: Naoshima Island).
FORBES: Chiloe: Edgy Design on the Edge of the Earth in Chile