Note to Prudential (nyse: PUK - news - people): thanks, but no thanks.
No thanks, say the British, who prefer to see plenty of executives around the mahogany table too.
No thanks, and find another way was the message of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
CNN: King: Will Obama have health plan to deliver Wednesday?
Mr. Weberman didn't address the judge before being sentenced, simply saying "no thanks" when given the opportunity.
So, according to major news organizations that examined Palin's record, there was no "thanks, but no thanks" moment.
Let's send them a message that will echo from the Rockies all across America: Thanks, but no thanks.
If it has, it is no thanks to what governments (least of all Japan's) have done so far.
The good Mr. Santana asked the customer if he needed any help, to which the reply was no thanks.
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And, if the customer says no thanks, Buyback returns the device for free.
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"Dell's had some pretty credible offerings in the past, and the market basically said thanks but no thanks, " he says.
Not surprisingly, Continental said "no thanks, " kept its WiFi running, and filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission.
ENGADGET: FCC likely directing Logan to lay off Continental's WiFi
They aren't commenting, but given their record, public shareholders might be well advised to say no thanks to the buyout offer.
To say thanks but no thanks would imply that they didn't take the money, and they got every dime of it.
For a while, it looked like he would be teaming up with a cell phone company, but they finally said no thanks.
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Former Blue Peter presenter Valerie Singleton, who lives in the town, is supporting the No Thanks Tesco campaign and led a protest on Tuesday.
But they shouldn't just say "no thanks" to a low-volume ETF.
Yes fortunately, and certainly no thanks to us, they now do seem to be in somewhat better shape than we have been led to believe after all.
"First, the vetting process is so intrusive -- some would say over-the-top -- that lots of folks have said 'No thanks' rather than deal with it, " she said.
We offered to get a cot, but he said no thanks, folded his suit jacket inside out into a pillow, lay down on the floor and promptly fell asleep.
The internet was coming, no thanks to him, and like a good opportunist he put together new combinations of existing components to take most advantage of it for Apple.
The new law still allows a tax preparer to sign a return taking a less than 51% certain position if it includes a form flagging it for the IRS. Uh, no thanks.
My view of this was, 'Hey, not only do they want me to waste my time going to the branch, but they are also going to try and sell me something - no thanks.
And the mainstream media is certainly doing this now as well, have pointed out over and over again for instance that the Sarah Palin did not say, you know, thanks but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere.
The power to say "no, thanks" to high-cost products can be one of the most powerful consumer protections of all.
More food-price increases are coming (no) thanks to the 2013 mandate.
FORBES: The Federal Government's Biodiesel Mandate Ensures Higher Prices All Around
Should Snyder pull it off then will he earn the gratitude of fan boys everywhere, as well as no small thanks from a fair few movie executives.