If it has, it is no thanks to what governments (least of all Japan's) have done so far.
They aren't commenting, but given their record, public shareholders might be well advised to say no thanks to the buyout offer.
Yes fortunately, and certainly no thanks to us, they now do seem to be in somewhat better shape than we have been led to believe after all.
The internet was coming, no thanks to him, and like a good opportunist he put together new combinations of existing components to take most advantage of it for Apple.
And the mainstream media is certainly doing this now as well, have pointed out over and over again for instance that the Sarah Palin did not say, you know, thanks but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere.
Unable to purchase private coverage due to his serious pre-existing condition (a problem that will no longer exist thanks to health care reform), Shepherd had no other option but to go on Medicaid.
More food-price increases are coming (no) thanks to the 2013 mandate.
FORBES: The Federal Government's Biodiesel Mandate Ensures Higher Prices All Around
But they shouldn't just say "no thanks" to a low-volume ETF.
Both coaches were quick to point out that Jameer Nelson didn't play in any of the first three meetings, but he made no difference thanks to another strong night from Williams, who set the tone with 13 points in the first quarter.
The power to say "no, thanks" to high-cost products can be one of the most powerful consumer protections of all.
The city skyrocketed from No. 37 to No. 20, thanks in large part to changes to the nightlife category (both culture and nightlife are now measured on a per-capita basis) as well as the addition of an online dating category, in which Providence ranks 14th.
The Alamo City moved up one place to No. 28, thanks mostly to its low cost of living and solid job-creation prospects.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce moved to No. 170 from No. 529, thanks to a turnaround in its profitability.
Katy Perry debuts on our list at No. 12 thanks to a similar combination of touring, endorsements and fans.
Our favorite podcast, "William Hung Cooking Show" was a no-go thanks to the restrictive codec support, but otherwise our little collection of iTunes media transferred smoothly and played without a hitch on the device.
And Telluride 81435 debuts on our list at No. 28 thanks to posh pads and ranches belonging to the likes of comedian Jerry Seinfeld and former Goldman Sachs CEO and New Jersey governor Jon Corzine.
Yet, despite the superior specifications of my own solid shooter, I was often quite jealous of the shots she was able to achieve, thanks in no small part to the RX100's optical zoom.
ENGADGET: IRL: Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 and the full-frame RX1
It was yet another sign that the region where war first came to Croatia may now finally be on the road to recovery, thanks in no small part to the drama and ruggedness of the very landscapes that were battlegrounds in the all too recent past.
Rhys Priestland replied with his first opportunity for the Scarlets, who had started to make some inroads into the Blues' half, thanks in no small part to captain David Lyons.
No acid is required thanks to the briny feta and the fruits' juices.
WSJ: Johnny Monis's Tomato and Peach Salad With Corn and Feta | Slow Food Fast
Thanks to No Child Left Behind (Race to the Top is not off the hook, either), there has to be complicity between teachers, students and parents to get funding.
It remains to be seen whether the passing of Mary Lou Forbes will mark not only the loss of America's greatest newspaperwoman but a milestone in the demise of the conservative newspaper the nation's capital so badly needs and has - in no small measure, thanks to Mary Lou - been improved by over the past 26 years.
The U.S. loss would be China's gain, thanks in no small part to Chu's foresight.
But that's changing, thanks in no small part to proselytizing by influential chefs like Elizabeth Karmel.
That star power is thanks in no small part to her penchant for high fashion.
American results on the women's side have been better lately, thanks mostly to No. 1-ranked Serena Williams.
All of which are seriously underfunded now thanks to the no tax fetish of the past 40 years.