Basically, you're limited to rearranging the columns into a different order and filtering out specific sports you have little interest in -- no, you can't remove sports completely.
If you blocked tourism, how many people would say, 'no, you can't mine here' or 'let's protect this place'?
Don't let anybody tell you that somehow you have no influence, that you can't change the system.
No matter how good you are, if you can't handle a punch, there's no way you can improve that.
But there's no reason you can't do as well as you would with a safe portfolio of funds.
When they came to take him away for various tests, I said, 'No, you can't see him today.
The answer to that last question is, No, you can't-in the online gaming world, you gotta keep it simple.
The answer to that last question is, No, you can't--in the online gaming world, you gotta keep it simple.
No, you can't take out a mortgage, invest the proceeds in a muni fund and still deduct the mortgage interest.
ICP's Will Geddes says there is "no environment you can't go into where you can't provide a minimum level of security".
"There was a bucking bronco whenever someone said, 'No, you can't do that, '" says Greg Coleman, HuffPo's chief revenue officer at the time, who wasn't offered a job at AOL after the deal.
But they actually have him on tape trying to sell the stock on the 8th or the 9th with a broker telling him, no, you can't do that, you don't have the right approval.
There's no reason you can't have two leagues, and, you know, you're just offering a choice for folks to pick a league, which - you know, based on the way that they want to play their softball.
Just because you have only six plates and three glasses is no reason why you can't invite 12 people to dinner.
Most people start in Bondi but there's no reason why you can't do it in reverse.
CNN: 24 hours in Sydney: Cocktails, scenic walks ... and sharks?
It's just going to be raised up so much the way, you know, you can't afford it no more, you know?
Although you can change the wallpaper, for instance, there are no Android-style widgets, and you also can't populate that space with shortcuts to things like webpages or documents in progress.
But you have to buy a basket of them because--I wrote this for individuals--if you think of value investing or investing in general as figuring out what something's worth and paying a lot less for it, but if you have no idea how to value something, then you really can't do that.
And I think there's no reason to believe why you can't do that again by providing a truly spectacular experience.
Ain't it true, there's just no doubt, there's some things that you can't do without.
It's no good bailing out the banks if you can't bail out the economy.
"You can't just shoot for no reason, " Richards said earlier Sunday.
If you have no idea what kind of assets the fund or management company is investing in or if you can't tell from your statement, that's not a good sign.
"As long as you have no intention of defrauding anyone, as long as you don't profit from it, you can just walk away and that's it, " says Frank Ahearn, a privacy consultant in New York City and author of How to Disappear.
No, no, no, you flat tell him: 'We can't have these, ' and all that type of stuff.
"You can't lose your daughter, no explanation or nothing, we're not going to take that, " Mr Gordon said.