And, just in case six weeks didn't really feel long enough, the production team presented them with additional challenges, such as the graffiti and noise nuisance.
BBC: The Street That Cut Everything
Police said there was a 57% reduction in "youth-related annoyance" compared to the three months before the trail, and a 51% fall in all anti-social type incidents, including drink-related offences, criminal damage and noise nuisance.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Night experiment cuts youth trouble
Other figures show that begging and vagrancy cases are down by 80% in the drink-free zone and anti-social nuisance and noise rates have fallen by 10% and 15% respectively.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid Wales | Town centre alcohol ban praised
Mr Poots said it was a large and complex bill covering matters as widespread as anti-social behaviour, dog fouling, noise nuisance from burglar alarms, and graffiti.
BBC: British-Irish Council Environment Meeting
Mr Williams said there may be concerns about the level of noise produced by the bell, and whether it would create a nuisance for local people.
BBC: New bell plan near site of 'lost kingdom' off Aberdyfi
The area around the chapel will continue to be used as a place for hearses to park to unload coffins before they are taken to burial sites, and a covenant would be drawn up to prevent any occupants causing a noise nuisance to mourners.
BBC: The old chapel on Stoke Doyle Road
The action, under the Environmental Protection Act, is against Wind Prospect, which operates the site, Powergen Renewables which owns it and Barrow Borough Council, whose environmental health officers have the first responsibility under the act to regulate a noise nuisance.
BBC: Legal protest over windfarm