The code also requires the nomination committee to be chaired by an independent non-executive, and not by the chairman who may, however, still sit on it.
In other Hong Kong news, Ming Pao warns that Qiao Xiaoyang, chairman of the NPC Law Committee, risks forcing people onto the streets in protest after he stated that a nomination committee will be responsible for endorsing candidates ahead of Hong Kong chief executive elections in 2017.
Mr. Lew's nomination cleared a committee vote Tuesday with bipartisan support, 19 to 5.
Hagel's nomination cleared the committee in a straight party line 14 to 11 vote.
Collaborate in the strengthening of African MAB network (AfriMAB), notably by supporting the implementation of the ICC Action plan and by assisting the MAB National Committee for nomination of new Biosphere Reserves and periodic reviews.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (18/1/2012) AF/RP/KEN/SC/0008 - (P-4)
Should Moseley-Braun's nomination be approved by the committee, the full Senate could take up the question by Wednesday.
Mr. Haber said on Wednesday that he expects Mr. Suozzi to receive the Democratic committee's nomination, but will challenge him for the party's line.
"AFC has strictly followed the AFC Statutes at all times in relation to Mr Jilong's designation as AFC Acting President and nomination to the FIFA Executive Committee, " read a statement on its website.
Some Republicans have made some noise about resisting his nomination, or being opposed to his nomination -- Senator Inhofe, on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, promising that he will fight his nomination vigorously.
Engineering the nomination of a new, equally compliant committee against the current background of popular democratic sentiment could prove tricky.
Sen Paul began the Senate floor filibuster about noon on Wednesday, a day after Mr Brennan's nomination was approved by the Senate intelligence committee.
MPs on the Business, Innovation and Skills select committee voted against accepting the nomination of Prof Ebdon as the new head of Offa - and called for the recruitment process to begin again.
In the next few days, the Foreign Relations Committee will be considering the nomination of the individual that the President has chosen to represent him and serve the interests of the United States at the United Nations.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Security experts urge Bolton confirmation
Moseley-Braun appeared before a hastily scheduled committee hearing convened to consider her nomination by President Bill Clinton for the ambassadorship to New Zealand and Samoa.
No, Senator Obama's first big policy speech after securing the nomination was to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, demonstrating the enduring power of that lobby.
We request that you share this assessment of Secretary Bolton with your colleagues and ensure that it is reflected in the record of the Foreign Relations Committee's deliberations on his nomination.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Security experts urge Bolton confirmation
"Strong enforcement is necessary for investor confidence and is essential to the integrity of our financial markets, " said White, 65, in prepared remarks to the Senate Banking Committee, which is considering her nomination.
Brennan's nomination won approval Tuesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee after the White House broke a lengthy impasse by agreeing to give lawmakers access to top-secret legal opinions justifying the use of lethal drone strikes against al-Qaida suspects overseas.
At today's hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on President Clinton's nomination of Morton Halperin to become the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Democracy and Peacekeeping, one fact looms large: The nominee aided and abetted a man who was arguably this century's most notorious American traitor -- Philip Agee -- and is determined to conceal that fact.
Harriet Miers may save her nomination with a sound performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Ben Bernanke went before the Senate Finance Committee, which has to approve his nomination to head the Federal Reserve.
After she testifies, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would take up Kerry's nomination.
This week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will review John Bolton's nomination to serve a full term as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
Orrin Hatch, chairman of the Senate's Judiciary Committee and a member of its Intelligence Committee that must pass on the Lake nomination, had said at the outset of the hearings that he hoped to be able to support the president's choice for DCI.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hearing takes a toll on Lake nomination
At least three Republicans on the Senate armed services committee have said they do not support his nomination.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will convene hearings on Ashcroft's nomination Tuesday afternoon.
Bernie Sanders of Vermont, said December 2 that he plans to place a "hold" on Bernanke's nomination for a second term once it leaves the Banking Committee.
In considering Mr. Holder's nomination for Attorney General, it is imperative that the committee consider the parallels between the FALN and the terrorist threats we face today.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the advisory body that assesses the nomination of natural sites and its evaluations are used by Committee for its decisions.
John Edwards, D-North Carolina, a successful trial lawyer and potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, got a seat on the Judiciary committee -- a high profile perch for battling White House judicial nominations.