This signals not only the immense rate of population growth in non-European countries, something Drucker recognized, but also their increasing clout.
If you look at the average of the past three months, exports to non-European countries have risen by 2.7%, while exports to the eurozone have fallen by 1.2%.
Later this year the European Commission is expected to begin negotiating 'open skies' deals with non-European Union countries on behalf of all EU governments.
Consider, it says, Remy Cointreau, whose biggest brands, Remy Martin cognac, Cointreau liqueur, and the champagne portfolio, are produced mostly in euros and sold mostly to non-European denominated countries.
Again, everyone will benefit the more engaged, the more countries, the more Arab, as well as non-Arab countries that are engaged in -- and European countries engaged with Iraq.
European exports to non-EU countries rose 12.7% in 2011, with exports to China seeing the biggest increase, up 49%, according to Eurostat, the statistics division for the European Union.
Sweden is also outside the euro, and its prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, said the deal would still enable non-eurozone countries to have influence in European banking decisions.
Ms. Merkel, mindful of popular resistance domestically, made it clear that the demand for fiscal discipline embodied in a new pact for European Union countries was non-negotiable.
"If Mr Cameron is to achieve his goal of a more flexible European Union, in which some countries, and in particular non-eurozone members like Britain, can opt out of certain European laws and directives, he'll have to win over these key European players, " he said.
Unlike other European countries, it has a big non-prime mortgage market too.
Many European Union states (and even some non-EU countries in Europe) have various types of anti-hate speech legal mechanisms, in part to head off terrorism and far-right violence.
And then you have another dimension, which is that there are Arab and Muslim minorities in Europe, and they go back to their original countries with all these amazing stories about their own difficulties in European societies as non-white people.