It also calls for a three-year freeze pay for civilian government workers (including non-military personnel at the Department of Defense) and members of Congress, a 10% reduction in the federal workforce by 2015 and elimination of earmarks.
After all, Amnesty has shown itself to be remarkably anti-American in its orientation (this Counter Terror with Justice campaign seems to only focus on the United States), and the increase in non-military personnel at a secure location would increase to the possibility for leaks exponentially (which as noted worryingly in recent literature may be impossible to track if the new Media Shield bill passes).
In a statement it added that under the terms of the charitable agreement farms could be let to non-military farmers if no suitable ex-service personnel could be found.
Horuho of the U.S. Army Medical Command, said that more than 250, 000 U.S. Military personnel have suffered brain injuries since 2000, and that 84% of those were non-deployment related.