If the energy value of those projects were factored in even more non-renewable jobs would result.
He was elected in 1989 for six years, non-renewable (as is customary in Latin America).
Instead of a renewable resource I would have bet on a non-renewable one (oil).
We should impose significant taxes on all uses of non-renewable natural resources, especially those in short supply.
Renewable or non-renewable is a distraction from the bigger battle taking place over centralized and decentralized energy.
FORBES: America's Other Energy Revolution And Why It Matters
The importance of maintaining a steady source of these non-renewable sources of energy for Exxon Mobil cannot be over-emphasized.
FORBES: What Exxon's Move Toward Natural Gas Means For The Stock
Using energy to make solar cells is, accordingly, speculative, not a long term means of reducing consumption of non-renewable fuels.
Does it make sense to continue buying non-renewable lottery tickets in the hope that our energy problems will go away?
There are strong arguments in favour of special taxes where economic rents exist, as is usually the case with non-renewable resources.
Reliance on groundwater however is highly problematic as the exploitation of non-renewable groundwater resources and aquifers are irreversible and difficult to monitor.
Power management- Partnerships to provide energy efficient solutions and reduce global demand for non-renewable energy sources will drive future opportunities for the industry.
The conservation group says the problem is responsible for pollution, shrinkage of coastal wetlands and the tapping of non-renewable groundwater in some regions.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Tourism damaging Med's wetlands
China produces merely 1 percent of its electricity from non-hydro renewable power, while the United States produces 5 percent of its electricity from non-hydro renewable power.
FORBES: Global Warming Alarmists Chant 'Forget The Carbon, We Demand The Tax'
Those considered to be strategic sectors are the energy sector in all its forms, non-renewable natural resources, transport, hydrocarbons, mining, bio-diversity, water and other sectors that the law may determine.
More than any other Latin American country, the tax system has become dependent on resources derived from the exploitation of its non-renewable commodities.10 Chavez' tax reforms have furthered this dependency.
He says this will create regional jobs, increase resource security, reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, increase material efficiency and prevent carbon emissions and industrial waste - all on a big scale.
And in one of the week's more unusual stories, we reported on a public housing extension in Italy that was made from plastic shopping bags and other bits of non-renewable packaging.
No matter how large the volumes of water contained in these aquifers may be, the fact that many of them are non-renewable means they can eventually be mined to exhaustion if their use is not managed properly.
Some of his restaurants "use a percentage of green power to help offset some of our non-renewable energy consumption, and we are looking to do more in the future, " Batali spokeswoman Elizabeth Meltz wrote in an email.
Not only does the Maastricht treaty prohibit it from taking orders from politicians, but members of the executive board are appointed for eight-year, non-renewable terms, insulating them from pressures to please politicians in order to get reappointed.
"Economics dictates that 95% of current U.S. hydrogen is produced by steam-methane re-forming of non-renewable natural gas, " Michael K. Heiman, professor of environmental studies at Dickinson College, wrote in a study of the proposed hydrogen economy last year.
As Mr Clegg took questions in the Commons on 10 July 2012, he argued that a referendum on the government's plans to make the upper house a mostly elected chamber, selected by proportional representation on 15-year, non-renewable terms, would be unnecessary and expensive.
However, the detractors of solar do not factor in all of the subsidies given to non-renewable energy (hundreds of billions of dollars a year in the USA), and they do not factor in the cost of our military to secure foreign oil supplies or our ongoing medical costs due to air pollution.
In 2006, Mr Pinera signed a declaration calling for the development of non-conventional renewable energy.
These companies aim to produce biofuels from renewable non-food sources, with lower carbon emissions to boot.
To address either issue, finding a renewable (non-fossil) source of methane is encouraged.
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These may include non-Europeans, as long as renewable energy produced by them is imported back to Europe.
Even as industry groups representing emerging energies like solar and wind have gained clout, they've suffered setbacks in legislative skirmishing over relatively non-controversial priorities such as tax credits for renewable energy.
"We're committed to building the world's most environmentally responsible data centers and are leading the industry in the use of renewable energy, including the nation's largest private solar arrays and non-utility fuel cell installation, " the statement said.
China will "endeavor" to cut emissions of carbon dioxide -- the most prevalent of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change -- by "a notable margin" in coming years, Hu said, adding that China also will "vigorously develop renewable energy and nuclear energy" with the goal of increasing the share of non-fossil fuels in total energy consumption to 15 percent by 2020.
CNN: Obama warns recession makes climate change fight harder