Even then, facilities are likely to shrink as non-bank investors such as hedge funds drop out of loan syndicates and banks that had only extended money in the hope of ancillary business also draw back.
Although this estimate is likely to shrink by at least half when non-technical constraints are taken into account, the offshore wind resource still seems prodigious.
In a study conducted with many patients in Japan, 28% of non-small cell lung cancer patients saw their tumors shrink with Iressa, compared with 10% of Caucasians.
With a national movement in the U.S. to shrink the role of government, non-profits may be expected to expand their programs as they step in to fill essential needs.
Results in non-small cell lung cancer show that Abraxane does shrink tumors 31% better than Taxol, which the company says should be enough for an FDA approval in that disease.