The company also pledges to increase non-smoking areas and to have a non-smoking section at the bar wherever possible.
Quite, why are we having this war on non-smoking methods of nicotine delivery?
"I come home from bars smelling like smoke, " says Feliz Lopez, a non-smoking 20-year-old college student visiting from New York.
It was unnecessary, for example, to tell people they were on a non-smoking train when it was banned on all trains.
BBC: Train operators urged to curb 'excessive' announcements
Many missionaries become paragons of self-discipline, with their trademark white shirts and ties and a teetotalling, non-smoking, caffeine-free and abstinent Mormon work ethic.
"The clinic staff should be encouraged to actively participate in tobacco intervention routines and to convey that non-smoking is the norm, " it states.
Worldwide, as many as 40% of children, 33% of non-smoking men and 35% non-smoking women were exposed to second-hand smoke in 2004, researchers found.
Looking at medical records from women between 2000-2010 showed they were 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer than their non-smoking friends.
"The best way of addressing public concerns about environmental tobacco smoke is through the provision of designated non-smoking and smoking areas with good ventilation, " he said.
The doctors' union said an outright ban - even if there were no passengers - would be the best way of protecting children as well as non-smoking adults.
Both passengers and drivers state their preferences during their journey, for example whether it's a smoking or non-smoking car or if they prefer a talkative or quiet companion.
Jo Butcher, the National Children's Bureau's programme director of health and wellbeing, welcomed the ban and said a person's lifetime smoking or non-smoking behaviour was "heavily influenced" by decisions in their adolescence.
And last November the British Medical Association said an outright ban - even if there were no passengers - would be the best way of protecting children as well as non-smoking adults.
Just as cigarette smoke could waft into the non-smoking areas before it was banned, so too will noise, said George Hobica, founder of, speaking to NBC news when AirAsia X's new option was announced last year.
If so, what about his non-smoking employees?
FORBES: Timberland's Smoking Ban: Good Corporate Citizenship Or Overkill?
Professor Cnattingius said the caffeine risk was confined to non-smokers but said smoking was itself a risk factor and may have concealed the caffeine related risk.
Scenes of smoking have become increasingly rare in non-R-rated movies, according to the MPAA. Of the movies portraying smoking in recent years, 72% were rated R, 21% were rated PG-13, and 6% were rated PG.
It said that powers are available under the Health Act 2006 to prohibit smoking in non-enclosed public places, provided it can be shown that significant numbers of people are put at significant risk.
The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) wants to see how the ban affects the levels of passive smoking in 500 non-smokers who share a home with smokers.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Passive smoking research planned
The Obama administration has financed much of this prohibition movement with CDC, NIH, HHS etc Federal Grants, used illegally to pay for non-profit groups to lobby for smoking bans at every level of government across the entire untied states.
FORBES: Why Do People Have To Lie To Us In Medical Research About The Effects Of Smoking?
Previous reports recorded a "sharp decrease" in "non-smokers exposure to second-hand smoke" following the ban in smoking in public places in 2006.
BBC: Scottish Health Survey: Obesity still problem for Scots
The proposals mean all restaurants in England would be smoke-free, along with pubs and bars serving food, she added, and "non-food" pubs and bars will be free to choose whether to allow smoking, or be smoke-free.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Cabinet agrees England smoke ban
But during Week 3, when these students were no longer required to suppress thoughts of smoking, they smoked significantly more cigarettes than non-suppressors!
FORBES: Avoid The Mistake That Derails Your Resolutions Every Year
It has long been the consensus in the medical profession that passive smoking is dangerous, so there was outrage when the British Medical Journal of May 17th published a study which found that non-smokers whose spouse smoked did not suffer lung cancer or other smoking-related diseases as a result.
The company also provides smoking cessation courses, and health benefits cover the cost of prescription and non-prescription medications that help smokers break the habit.
Despite its foot-dragging over the tobacco treaty, America has led the world in restricting smoking in public, on the grounds that it damages the health of non-smokers obliged to inhale the fumes.
Smoking in many countries is not banned, but if you are surrounded by non-smokers, it is inconsiderate to light up.