All this makes it hard for the non-specialist to keep track of who is doing what.
But the non-specialist reader is probably all too aware that Wall Street has recovered better from the crisis than Main Street.
Mr Harford, who works at the Financial Times, is an amiable guide for the non-specialist reader, neither too lofty nor dumbed-down.
As a result, the non-specialist reader may find this volume less digestible.
The specialist and non-specialist roles available include welcoming athletes at the airport or Commonwealth Games Athletes' Village to helping direct people at venues.
BBC: Fund to help Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games volunteers
The MPs considering the UK subsidies are on the Eleventh Delegated Legislation Committee, a non-specialist group which scrutinises details of government rule-making on all topics.
Most of the growing job opportunities are at the non-specialist, or unskilled, end of the field, though they run the full gamut of wage levels.
It was the worst performance for non-specialist retailers since January 2001.
Although more than half of Harvard undergraduates end up in law, medicine or business, future doctors and lawyers must study a non-specialist liberal-arts degree before embarking on a professional qualification.
But certain aspects stand out for the non-specialist reader.
Like everything Mr Searle writes, the book is clear and forthright, if not pugnacious, and, unlike parts of the books he is reviewing, it ought to be fully accessible to the non-specialist.
With a dazzling mastery of detail, and enough literary flair to engage the non-specialist, Simon Sebag Montefiore brings out the highly unusual mixture of qualities required to succeed in Russia's debauched, ruthless court.
No replacement has yet been summoned by the Pakistan Cricket Board, so the tourists may risk having to field a non-specialist wicketkeeper should injury or illness befall Kamran, who was axed after the first Test in which his glovework was widely criticised following several dropped catches.
BBC: Injured Pakistan wicketkeeper Zulqarnain to return home
Non-surgical specialist also came to this conclusion by a margin of 53 percent to 36 percent.
FORBES: Koch Brothers Financed 'Research' Institute Steps Up Misleading Obamacare Attacks
Other physicians (those who do not fit into the categories of primary care, non-surgical specialist or surgical specialist) are overwhelmingly supportive of the notion that the ACA was a good beginning by a ratio of 68-32.
FORBES: Koch Brothers Financed 'Research' Institute Steps Up Misleading Obamacare Attacks
In our experience, companies willingly and frequently use non-Big Six and other specialist firms for such projects.
Instead of trying to sell a wide range of non-food items, the new stores focus on a few specialist areas, such as electronics and textiles, and offer services such as baby-sitting and hair care.
"The drop is due to a consumer preference for non-mail order, not by a diminishing preference for remote shopping, " says Richard Hyman, from retail specialist Verdict Research.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Mail order looks beyond the printed page
Specialist schools may select just a tenth of their pupils according to aptitude (and then only if their specialism is non-academic, such as sports or technology), which is lucky for weedy children who live near sports-specialist schools, but does rather stop the schools from specialising.