He also pushed for non-tariff barriers be lifted and that a tough enforcement mechanism be implemented.
But switching from non-tariff barriers to tariffs can go only so far to promote agricultural trade.
Executives complain, though, that red tape and other non-tariff barriers are a far bigger hurdle.
ECONOMIST: Vague hopes of integration and messy bilateral squabbles
Some businesses in the service sector will also be freed from irksome non-tariff barriers.
First, with a few temporary exceptions, it converted all non-tariff barriers and unbound tariffs into bound tariffs.
But many of the most competitive products face special duties or non-tariff barriers.
Nevertheless, for the past three years, it has made almost no progress in removing myriad non-tariff barriers to intra-group trade.
Meanwhile, Brazilian manufacturers trying to export to China face steep non-tariff barriers on manufactured goods, such as obstructive state purchasing agents.
Detroit ultimately, albeit reluctantly, acquiesced to a U.S.-South Korea trade pact touching on similar issues of non-tariff barriers to trade that Japan raises.
Eric Harwit, a professor at the University of Hawaii, says they are contemplating South Korean- or Japanese-style protectionism: red tape and other non-tariff barriers.
ECONOMIST: Is there any point in manufacturing cars in China?
It has begun, for the first time, to calculate the real cost to poor countries of tariffs, anti-dumping duties and non-tariff barriers in rich markets.
In addition, World Bank research showed that some 62% of Chinese exports to America and 48% of exports to the European Union faced non-tariff barriers in 1993.
And people are concerned about whether the standards, the non-tariff barriers with respect to autos is something that is preventing us from being able to compete with very good products.
William Thomas, a senior American congressman, told delegates that rich-world subsidies and other non-tariff barriers, such as sanitation inspections, still block imports of African foodstuffs: crateloads rot in American ports.
They include getting rid of non-tariff barriers (eg, by harmonising food-safety rules) and allowing free trade in services and government purchases, as well as eliminating the many exceptions to the common tariff.
So if we have established agreements in which both sides are supposed to open up their markets, we do so and then the other side is imposing a whole set of non-tariff barriers in place, that's a problem.
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So part of what we've been trying to do is to make sure that we're getting the enforcement side of this tight, make sure that if we've got a trade agreement with China or other countries, that they are abiding with it -- they're not stealing our intellectual property or making sure that their non-tariff barriers are lowered even as ours are opened up.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
What happened was, is a group, a subset of APEC countries came together and said let's see if we can create a high-standard agreement that is dealing with tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade, but let's also incorporate a whole range of new trade issues that are going to be coming up in the future -- innovation, regulatory convergence, how we're thinking about the Internet and intellectual property.