Detroit ultimately, albeit reluctantly, acquiesced to a U.S.-South Korea trade pact touching on similar issues of non-tariff barriers to trade that Japan raises.
WSJ: Business Asia: Japan's New TPP Energy
What happened was, is a group, a subset of APEC countries came together and said let's see if we can create a high-standard agreement that is dealing with tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade, but let's also incorporate a whole range of new trade issues that are going to be coming up in the future -- innovation, regulatory convergence, how we're thinking about the Internet and intellectual property.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at the APEC Business Summit
Nevertheless, for the past three years, it has made almost no progress in removing myriad non-tariff barriers to intra-group trade.
ECONOMIST: Mercosur’s malaise | The
But switching from non-tariff barriers to tariffs can go only so far to promote agricultural trade.
ECONOMIST: Agricultural trade