As the outspoken chairman of the Progressive Caucus, Kucinich, 60, advocates nonviolence and diplomacy above all.
Back in the USA, he announces he's a changed man, embraces nonviolence and joins a Buddhist commune.
And I think the moral and ethical power that comes with nonviolence when properly mobilized is profound.
Mohandas Gandhi, who championed Indian nationalism and advocated nonviolence to achieve his goal, comes to mind as well.
More recently in the U.S., Quakers practiced socially responsible investing based on their beliefs in human equality and nonviolence.
Jainism is an Indian religion that centers on nonviolence toward all living beings.
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Martin Luther King Jr. and his commitment to a strategy of nonviolence.
It is the courageous nonviolence embodied by Martin Luther King in the face of batons, water canons, dogs, and bullets.
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Second thing -- even if you're not a pacifist, whenever possible, peace and nonviolence is always the right thing to do.
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"I believe this family member was at least in some way contributing to his radicalization from nonviolence to violence, " Mr. Rogers said.
According to Zuhdy, the Egyptian government responded to the nonviolence initiative by releasing twelve thousand five hundred members of the Islamic Group.
This temple, built in the late 15th century, is a major monument of Jain architecture, an ancient ascetic faith based on nonviolence.
The children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors in America have the luxury of re-embracing nonviolence as a self-affirming badge of their morally superior politics.
FORBES: Back From Lebanon, An Attempt To Explain The Israelis' Attitude Toward The Palestinians
That means, as far as this award is concerned, peace award, he is also a believer in Mahatma Gandhi's ideas of peace and nonviolence.
Trauma, poverty and unsafe neighborhoods must be included in the gun control debate, said Ted Corbin, co-director at the Center for Nonviolence and Social Justice.
And through the moral force of nonviolence, the people of the region have achieved more change in six months than terrorists have accomplished in decades.
He gained enormous popularity for a series of Hindi films in which he played a reformed thug who follows the teachings of nonviolence advocate and Indian independence hero Mohandas Gandhi.
King was able to do this by spreading the ideas and methodologies of active nonviolence in black churches, on college campuses and through organizations like the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
FORBES: Faith as a Bomb, Faith as a Bridge: Building a 21st Century Interfaith Movement
For in Egypt, it was the moral force of nonviolence -- not terrorism, not mindless killing -- but nonviolence, moral force that bent the arc of history toward justice once more.
Yet the "crossover King" -- the man who never embraced black separatism or abandoned nonviolence -- is just as authentic, Rieder says, and his moral passion has inspired nonviolence activism around the globe.
We are thus far pleased at the restraint that has taken place and encouraged that, even as we see reports of increased participation tomorrow by protesters, that calm and nonviolence once again carry the day on both sides.
The nonviolence practiced by men like Gandhi and King may not have been practical or possible in every circumstance, but the love that they preached -- their faith in human progress -- must always be the North Star that guides us on our journey.
We made the film with the explicit goals of putting Palestinian and Israeli nonviolence efforts at the center of local and international discourse about the conflict, as well as building the capacity of nonviolent activists in the field by ensuring they gain traction within their own societies and abroad.
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His commitment to nonviolence came through studying the Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi, his opposition to the Vietnam War was motivated by meetings with the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh and some of his most profound conversations about faith and civil rights took place with a Rabbi, Abraham Joshua Heschel.
FORBES: Faith as a Bomb, Faith as a Bridge: Building a 21st Century Interfaith Movement