The nonviolent game group played S3K Superbike, Dirt2 and Pure (also in random order).
FORBES: Study: More Violent Video Game Play Results in More Aggression
Still, he wanted to make the point that games should have more nonviolent options.
We studied the idea of the Boston Tea Party as an example of nonviolent social change.
Plus, nonviolent incidents like auto theft that don't involve guns at all are also down.
It finds nonviolent campaigns are more than twice as likely to succeed as violent campaigns.
"(Nonviolent struggle) was not credited with being realistic or with being powerful, " he says.
Brave, young and oppressed people around the world are realizing there is immense power in nonviolent struggle.
Winning a civil resistance, a social movement, a nonviolent struggle, a community organizing campaign profoundly changes the participants.
FORBES: Occupy Wall Street's Year: Three Outcomes for the History Books
For nonviolent offenders who are not career criminals, however, incarceration can be counterproductive.
Participants who played nonviolent games showed no increase in hostile expectations or aggression.
FORBES: Study: More Violent Video Game Play Results in More Aggression
King was greatly influenced by Mahatma Gandhi, whose methods and message about nonviolent civil disobedience resonated strongly with King.
Mandela urged nonviolent solutions to the South African government's political, economic and social oppression of the nation's black majority.
Then I would go to the next stage and attempt to find a nonviolent, face-saving way out of the problem.
They were then assigned to play a violent or nonviolent video game for 20 minutes on each of three consecutive days.
FORBES: Study: More Violent Video Game Play Results in More Aggression
The Trench Coat Mafia was a nonviolent school group of computer gamers established a few years before the shooting, Cullen said.
The new book "Why Civil Resistance Works: The strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, " written by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J.
Ayub called Fadl in late 2000 or early 2001 to inform him that he was preparing a nonviolent initiative of his own.
Through it all, he adhered to a nonviolent approach, despite the urgings of more militant leaders like Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael.
The American public strongly supports reducing time served for nonviolent offenders.
Untermeyer said Thursday the city could save millions of dollars by moving nonviolent defendants out of the prison system and keeping tabs on them electronically instead.
FORBES: Could GPS bracelets solve our prison overcrowding problem?
Hazare, a prominent social activist and leader in the 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement, believes in the power of nonviolent methods toward social change as taught by Gandhi.
Untermeyer wanted to dramatically make the point that Philly could save lots of cash by monitoring nonviolent defendants electronically instead of keeping them locked up in prison.
FORBES: GPS bracelets could solve our prison overcrowding problem
Above all else, we need to understand clearly our enemies -- to try to understand them as they see themselves, and to see them as devout nonviolent Muslims do.
Its social policy will focus primarily on protecting freedom of conscience in an increasingly pluralistic society, while undoing the excesses of the drug war and punitive sentencing for nonviolent crime.
Maybe most encouraging of all is that Congress has introduced a bipartisan bill, the SAFE ACT, which would enact several criminal justice reform efforts including changes in sentencing for nonviolent drug offenders.
This could be done through education, the translation of books, movies and video clips, developing innovative uses for new media like Facebook or Twitter, and training in nonviolent, civic mobilization.
For example, the BOP unilaterally abolished the shock incarceration program, spending unnecessary millions by replacing sentence reductions and increased home detention with prison time for nonviolent offenders with minimal criminal history.
FORBES: Sequester As Opportunity? Simple Ways To Cut Prison Spending, Maybe Avoid Furloughs
Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action, by Dennis Dalton.
Provided the crime was nonviolent and not repeat offenders.
CNN: Marine to senator: 'No ma'am,' I won't register my guns
Writing for the Post in 1960, Robinson compared his own experience with "turning the other cheek" with the nonviolent confrontation of the civil-rights movement espoused by his friend, Martin Luther King Jr.
WSJ: Chris Lamb: Jackie Robinson��Faith in Himself, and in God